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Adding New Water Pipeline Size

02-04-2013 12:09 PM
New Contributor
Our company already has a pipline layer and within that layer are symbolgies to express each pipeline diameter, There are 10 pipeline sizes and I am wanting to add an 11th diameter, How would that be done?? If someone needs more info, I could try and provide it!! Thanks Heather
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
Your question is pretty non-specific, it's hard to gauge where you are at in the process of adding new data.  It would be great if you could outline the steps you have already achieved or what you have tried.

"Adding a new pipe size" would be done by putting the correct value in the correct field of the attribute table.  If you are using a feature class stored in a geodatabase that has domains limiting the values that you are allowed to input, then there's a good number of steps to go through and you might want to talk to your administrator.

If you are tyring to add additional symbology then you would go to Layer Properties>Symbol tab> Add values

Post back with more info and we'll help you out.
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Deactivated User
Heather, it sounds to me that what you want is to add an additional pipe size to a drop down selection in your attribute table when editing features. If so, try this:
Open your Catalog and navigate to the Geodatabase you are working with and then to the Feature within that Geodatabase that you wish to add the new diameter to.
Right click on that feature and select 'Properties' at the bottom of the box that opens. This will open another box.
At the top click on "Sub-types'. This will then offer a button towards the bottom of the box that is labeled 'Domains'.
Click 'Domains' and you will be able to navigate to your feature's pipe size in the selections at the top. Click on the attribute that you are working with. You will then be able to see what is coded into the domain for that feature at the bottom of the box and you will be able to edit your pipe sizes there.
To finish, click 'Apply' and 'OK'.
I hope this helps.
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