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Using Technology to Work Smarter [Webinar] | Q & A

07-01-2016 11:19 AM

Using Technology to Work Smarter [Webinar] | Q & A

Below you will find the Q & A from the webinar, Using Technology to Work Smarter​:

  • Q: Does Cartegraph interact with MUNIS. Would the work orders done through Cartegraph be importable into work order program in MUNIS?
  • A:  We have done integrations between Tyler Technology / MUNIS and Cartegraph OMS for previous customers.  It would be best to speak with your Cartegraph rep to better understand the details of the systems and your organization’s workflow requirements. 

  • Q: When working in the field with a mobile device, is data entry done in connected or disconnected mode? When does sync happen? And can the data be hosted locally on our internal servers?
  • A:  Our mobile application will support both connected and disconnected mobile users.  The sync process is driven by the user. Once they are connected to a network, they “connect” and a 2-way sync of the data initiates.  Data can be hosted on your internal / private servers or we can provide hosting services in our private cloud. 

  • Q: Can Cartegraph support plant/vertical assets as well, or only linear assets? Do vertical assets require a GIS relationship?
  • A:  Cartegraph OMS supports any asset type.  No relationship with GIS is required for an asset, vertical or otherwise. 

  • Q: Can Cartegraph OMS be used for managing utility billing for customers?
  • A:  Our professional services staff have integrated Cartegraph with a number of CRM / financial systems to support utility billing and chargebacks.  Cartegraph OMS is not a full utility billing solution itself. 

  • Q: Does Cartegraph require a GIS Administrator to initially implement and maintain later or is a contractor enough during implementation with existing staff maintaining the database? It looks like a complicated system to set up.
  • A:  As part of the implementation process, Cartegraph staff work with your organization to configure and implement the OMS system tailored to your needs. Our team also provides shoulder-to-shoulder training on maintaining the system to make sure you’re successful.  In addition, all upgrades and technical support are guided and performed by in-house staff to make sure things are operating smoothly and meeting organizational objectives.   

  • Q: Could Twitter requests be ingested automatically?
  • A:  Yes, leveraging the Twitter API and Cartegraph’s API, we would be able to filter and log requests from a Twitter feed. 

  • Q: Is there a way to demo Cartegraph?
  • A:  We have provided prospective Cartegraph OMS users access to demo sites previously.  It’s best to connect with our staff to ensure the access provides the insights your organization is looking for. 

  • Q: I don't see Visions listed. Can Cartegraph and Visions software be integrated?
  • A:  Cartegraph OMS is built on an open data framework and is built with an open web-based API.  We strive to make any data in Cartegraph accessible.  As long as the Visions software supports import / Export of data, a SQL back-end, or has a web-based API, we would be able to share information between the systems.  In cases of integration, it’s always best to work with your Cartegraph rep to develop an integration plan that will meet your organizational needs. 

  • Q: What's your pricing structure?
  • A:  There are number of different ways in which Cartegraph OMS is licensed and priced based on your organization’s size, needs, and budget.  It’s best to reach out to us and we can work with you to find the best approach. 

  • Q: In order to use Cartegraph OMS, do our data sets need to be in LGIM format? If not, how easy is it to hook into an Oracle EGDB for when data is being changed (edited) via OMS? I imagine this is no different than hooking into other Esri water solutions that are based on the LGIM?
  • A:  Your data doesn’t need to be in the LGIM to connect to Cartegraph OMS.  Our GIS Integration is performed using Web Services (ArcGIS Server and / or ArcGIS Online Feature Services).  In order to connect to your data, all you need to do is expose it as web services and map how attributes are connected between the systems.  The GIS Integration is configured using a web-based wizard inside the Cartegraph administrative tools.  Below is a link to a step-by-step guide on how the integration is performed. 
Version history
Last update:
‎07-01-2016 11:19 AM
Updated by:
Anonymous User