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Questions & Answers | The Importance of Identity Meetup (11.20.14)

12-02-2014 10:26 AM

Questions & Answers | The Importance of Identity Meetup (11.20.14)

Here are the Questions and Answers from our Meetup 'The Importance of Identity ' on November 25, 2014.  If you have additional questions or comments, please comment below.

  • Q1: I am an administrator, would I be able to "demote" another administrator user?
  • A1: Any Admin can adjust other user permissions. So yes, you can demote another admin user to a Publisher, Viewer or Custom role within your organization.

  • Q2: When an administrator sets a user name does that become their Esri Global ID?
  • A2: No, the ArcGIS Online Login is not the Esri Global ID.

  • Q3: Suggested future meet up topic: I have heard that the ArcGIS for Collector app does not utilize versioning or topology rules. Is this true? Along the same lines, how does a web editor’s attribute/geometry edit interact with data versioning/default SQL database? Are there different data administration functions between a web editing user using the Water Network Isolation web app (toggling valves as closed/open for scheduling a planned future water shutdown) vs a web editing user who is digitizing extents of construction plans/drawings
  • A3: The ArcGIS for Collector app does support versioned layers. Editing is configured in the web map. There administrator functions are not different, Collector consumes the same web map as the map viewer or other web app templates. In the network isolation trace the app is actually creating a separate layer for the closed valves.

  • Q4: Is it important for an Organization ID to be linked to tech users global ID (meaning, I assume access to My Esri information would be different based upon login)? If linking is necessary what is the procedure for this?
  • A4: No, you do not need to link the Organization ID to the users Global ID

  • Q5: Has there been any thought given to providing an entitlement of named users for each ArcGIS Server license. It would help organizations like mine migrate our existing apps from server to ArcGIS online and validate the need for purchasing more named users.
  • A5: Currently, named users are not based on ArcGIS Server licensing.

  • Q6: Is it possible to be a member of more than one ArcGIS Online Organization?
  • A6: Yes, you can be a member of more than one ArcGIS Online Organization, however, you will need different ArcGIS Online Logins for each organization.

  • Q7: If you invite a named user from a different ArcGIS Online Organization, does that consume one of your Named User Licenses?
  • A7: No, if you invite an existing user into your organization, by adding them to a group, it will not consume one of your named users.

  • Q8: Will you provide a summary of the Q&A's
  • A8: Yes.

  • Q9: Will this webinar be available after?
  • A9: Yes, this webinar was recorded and is available via E380. Click here: The Importance of Identity

  • Q10: Is this available under the Basic License?
  • A10: ArcGIS Pro is available at all license levels (Basic, Standard, and Advanced) and will have the same capabilities at whichever license level you are current on maintenance with.  ArcGIS Pro is a free new application with the ArcGIS for Desktop product suite at 10.3 if you are current on maintenance.

  • Q11: Are there any considerations for mobile login? Does it necessitate using named users?
  • A11: All of the ArcGIS Online clients, Collector for ArcGIS, Explorer for ArcGIS, etc. require a named user. ArcGIS for Windows Mobile does not require a named user.

  • Q12: It would be great if you sent out an agenda for the 2015 Water Conference in February. For example, why a utility would want to go. Often times the GIS personnel understand the value but have difficulty in translating that to the non-tech management.
  • A12: Information about the Esri Water Conference, including the agenda, can be found at . A utility would benefit from attending the water conference in several ways:
    • A Hands on Learning Lab will be available to all attendees (no additional cost)
    • Learn best practices
    • Technical Sessions are led by Esri experts
    • Esri Solution Engineers will be available to help with your specific questions
    • Network with peers, Esri Staff, and Esri Partners

  • Q13: Can the custom role be limited to particular ArcGIS Online content? For example, can you edit one feature service but not another.
  • A13: Custom roles pertain to capabilities. Access to content is controlled by groups. For example, if you share a feature service to a group, only the users in the group will have the ability to edit it.

  • Q14: Are there templates where web map feature service editing capture the user?
  • A14: Editor tracking can be enabled on any hosted feature service.
Version history
Last update:
‎12-02-2014 10:26 AM
Updated by:
Anonymous User