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Using Hydro tools version 9.1 to 10.0

04-10-2012 07:34 AM
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Deactivated User
Hi All:
I downloaded instructions on using the hydro tools and unfortunately, these instructions are for 9.1.  I'm using 10 on campus 9State Univ of New York @Cortland).  I decompressed a set of 10 DEM's (7.5 min scale), ran the flow direction,IDed and filled sinks, corrected the flow direction, and did flow accumulation (for all 10 maps).  My next step was to use the Stream Network Generation toolbox to get the drainages as a feature class.  Unfortunately, this is where the tool box no longer works for this step.  The 9.1 version says Set the Direction Raster using the corrected flow-and then the accumulation Raster=the first iteration of the flow direction (flow1).  It suggests 1000 as the minimum cell number.

The 10.0 version calls it "Stream to Feature" and it calls for "Input Stream Raster" then "Input Flow Direction Raster" asks for the location output and has a checkbox "simplify polylines (optional)".  I have tried many of the outputs; the only combo that works id Flow1 in the input stream raster and Flow2 in the input flow direction raster; the result added to the TOC shows up as a line feature, however the whole quad is filled in.  Do I just need to change my symbology?
Thanks in advance for your time
William Falvey
SUNY Cortland
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7 Replies
MVP Alum

Not sure where you pulled your instructions from. But the Esri ftp site has ArcHydro 2.x tutorial and data you should work through to start.

Use an ftp tool like FileZilla and use the credentials from this ArcHydro for ArcGIS 10.0 thread.

Download a current version of ArcHydro 2.1 setup (currently from the /ArcHydro/Setup10 directory--you'll want to uninstall your existing version of ArcHydro and install this latest patched development version.

Then from the /ArcHydro/Data/Tutorial/2.0 directory grab the file (might as well get the data for the GeoProcessing turtorial as well)

On the root of the ftp server, download the current ReadmeMMDDYYY.doc file--it has release and development notes for all the Water Resources projects including ArcHydro.

Finally from the /ArcHydro/Doc/ArcHydro2_0 directory, download all the PDFs including the Tutorials--you'll want to read the overview and installation instructions and then start the tutorials.

Work through the tutorials with a current build of ArcHydro and the right dataset and associated tutorial steps. You should not have any problem with the tutorial--only then have a go at processing your own data in ArcHydro.

Post back if you get stuck again.

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MVP Alum

I should also add that if you are not able to use the ArcHydro Tools extension, that the Hydrology toolset of the Spatial Analyst extension performs some of the same functions as ArcHydro, but you must manipulate each tool as a model workflow or directly scripted. The online or installed help provides much of the same information as the ArcHydro tutorials, but no step-by-step instructions.

Start with a close read of the Hydrology toolset concepts and then study the syntax and use examples for each tool starting with the Overview of the Hydrology toolset.

The Tutorial and data set in the ArcHydro Tools extension is a much more refined presentation--if you have the option, I'd start there.

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Deactivated User
Hi Stuart:
Thanks for the replies-I have been using the Hydrology toolset under the spatial analysis tools.  My original instructions came from the New York GIS Clearinghouse; and as noted they were for vesion 9.1  All the raster creating toolsets seemed to work until I got to the create stream feature tool.  It ran, but I now have a quad map covered in a solid color instead of a polyline feature.  I am now running the Flow Length to see if I'll be succesful using that result in the input raster for Stream to Feature.
Bill Falvey
SUNY Cortland
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MVP Alum

Flow length is not going to help.

The sequence is DEM --> Fill Dem --> Flow Direction --> Flow Accumulation -->  Stream Network (with Con or Set Null) --> Stream to Feature

Keep the Flow Direction and Flow Accumulation grids for the study area handy, they get reused at different steps and take the longest to process.  Also, these are all performed as Esri grid data--so dataset file names must be short < 9 characters, no spaces.

Then you can use any of the other tools for analysis tasks and map surface generation: Stream Order, Stream Link, Flow Length, Water Shed and Snap Pour, and Basin.

Again ArcHydro Extension makes this processing pretty painless and provides flexibility of File Geodatabase scratch data and output FC.

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Deactivated User
Thanks Stuart:
I thnk I will have to abandon the hydrology tool and try the extension-I have been in the lab all day and keep getting errors.  Thanks for your help
Bill Falvey
SUNY Cortland
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Regular Contributor

I decompressed a set of 10 DEM's (7.5 min scale)...

Did you project these?  You don't want to use unprojected grids.
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Honored Contributor
Hi All:
I ...  ran the flow direction,IDed and filled sinks, corrected the flow direction, and did flow accumulation (for all 10 maps).

The order you use to tools in is EXTREMELY important. What you describe in the quote is not right. Follow the order used below if projecting the DEM's does not fix your problem.
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