MY issue with arc hydro is its intial step in which we need to set up the Raster and Vector Location, Whenever I try doing that and after that if I perform some function on DEM like Fill SINK it gives me COM Error:- 10006 Something like this. Could anyone help me up in setting up target location, so that i can process further
Under ApUtilities>Addtional Utilities there is a Reset Target Locations function. Try that.
Also, see the link below my signature. These are tips I have collected motivated by my own trials and errors.
I triedthat..but after using Target Reset Option.Arc HYdro resets the back to deafult in C: drive temp folder. which always gives error of data frame missing if i save then close and reopen the same .mxd file.
Please suggest, as i went through the thread under your signature, but still issue remains
When I start a project, I open a new mxd, load in a base layer with the coordinate system I want and save it. Then I load the dem and agreestream layers as well as inner and outer wall layers I will use.
At this point, when I perform the Arc Hydro tasks, the target locations are automatically set. If I move the mxd and layers to another folder then I need to reset the target locations. (I now do my work on my C: drive, off the network, because I don't get as many errors.) The dem, agree streams and wall layers are the basis of the Arc Hydro work. (There could be others that I don't typically use like lakes/water bodies.) If these are the same, the results should be the same.
So there have been a few times where I've had problems with the target locations and simply started a new mxd added these basic layers and let Arc Hydro set the new target locations.