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Problems extracting Longest Flowpath in HEC-GeoHMS

04-28-2020 03:28 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor



I'm making a hydrologic study using Arc Hydro and HEC-GeoHMS.

In HEC-GeoHMS in the Menu Characteristics, when i try to extract the Longest Flowpath it always appears this error message and i can't move forward on my project.

Is there anyone who can help me, please!

Thanks in advance.


Jorge Sousa



Executing: LongestFlowpath RawDEM Fdr BaciaemEstudo C:\TFM\C_Project_Setup\project_setup1.gdb\BaciaemEstudo\LongestFlowPath360
Start Time: Tue Apr 28 22:48:26 2020
Executing: CreateFeatureclass C:\TFM\C_Project_Setup\project_setup1.gdb\BaciaemEstudo LongestFlowPath360 POLYLINE # DISABLED DISABLED "PROJCS['ETRS_1989_Transverse_Mercator',GEOGCS['GCS_ETRS_1989',DATUM['D_ETRS_1989',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',0.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-8.133108333333334],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',1.0],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',39.66825833333333],UNIT['Meter',1.0]];-5623200 -14394800 10000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;0,001;0,001;0,001;IsHighPrecision" # 0 0 0
Start Time: Tue Apr 28 22:48:27 2020
Succeeded at Tue Apr 28 22:48:27 2020 (Elapsed Time: 0,38 seconds)
Creating zone raster from drainage area polygons
Computing flow length
Computing maximum flow length
-49602 Error in ComputeLongestFlowPath System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80041098): ERROR 010429: Error in GRID IO: RMPValidate: Invalid Remap data are entered near record 2 and 3 .. Unable to initialize reclass table
ERROR 010067: Error in executing grid expression.
at ESRI.ArcGIS.SpatialAnalyst.RasterConditionalOpClass.SetNull(IGeoDataset ConditionalRaster, IGeoDataset FalseRaster)##
at ESRI.APWR.ApHydro.ArcHydroOp.ComputeLongestFlowpath(ApLayers apLayers, Int32 debug, ITrackCancel& trackcancel, IGPMessages& messages, String& exMessage, IRaster costRaster) in C:\Builds\9\s\ArcHydroTools\src\ApHydro\ArcHydroOp.vb:line 49581
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80041098): ERROR 010429: Error in GRID IO: RMPValidate: Invalid Remap data are entered near record 2 and 3 .. Unable to initialize reclass table
ERROR 010067: Error in executing grid expression.
at ESRI.ArcGIS.SpatialAnalyst.RasterConditionalOpClass.SetNull(IGeoDataset ConditionalRaster, IGeoDataset FalseRaster)
at ESRI.APWR.ApHydro.ArcHydroOp.ComputeLongestFlowpath(ApLayers apLayers, Int32 debug, ITrackCancel& trackcancel, IGPMessages& messages, String& exMessage, IRaster costRaster) in C:\Builds\9\s\ArcHydroTools\src\ApHydro\ArcHydroOp.vb:line 49581
Failed to execute (LongestFlowpath).
Failed at Tue Apr 28 22:50:00 2020 (Elapsed Time: 1 minutes 33 seconds)

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