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Problem with FillSinks in Python script

05-15-2013 07:57 AM
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Emerging Contributor
We're running a number of preprocessing tools in ArcHydro, including FillSinks. All of the other tools we are using work, but when the python script calls FillSinks:

# Process: Fill Sinks
ArcHydroTools.FillSinks(AgreeDEM, Fil, "", LevelPoly, "ISSINK_YES")

we get this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "U:\ArcHydro\ArcHydroPhilip\", line 101, in <module>
    ArcHydroTools.FillSinks(AgreeDEM, Fil, "", LevelPoly, "ISSINK_YES")
  File "C:\Program Files\ESRI\WaterUtils\ArcHydro\bin\", line 2319, in FillSinks
    raise e
ExecuteError: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at ESRI.APWR.ArcHydroGPTools.AHFillSinks.Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages message) in C:\Builds\HydroSolutions\10.0_ArcHydro\Sources\ArcHydroTools\src\ArcHydroGPTools\AHFillSinks.vb:line 398
Failed to execute (FillSinks).

We're not sure why this is occurring, but any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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MVP Alum

Looking at the FillSinks() syntax below, I'd try a "0" or "1" for the use_issinkfield.  As noted in this thread:

    FillSinks(in_dem_raster=None, out_hydrodem_raster=None, fill_threshold=None, in_deranged_poly_features=None, use_issinkfield=None)
        FillSinks_archydro(in_dem_raster, out_hydrodem_raster, {fill_threshold}, {in_deranged_poly_features}, {use_issinkfield})
         in_dem_raster (Raster Layer):
             Input DEM
         fill_threshold {Double}:
             Fill Threshold
         in_deranged_poly_features {Feature Layer}:
             Input Deranged Polygon
         use_issinkfield {Boolean}:
             Use IsSink field
         out_hydrodem_raster (Raster Layer):
             Output Hydro DEM

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