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Precipitation Grid

06-23-2011 08:53 AM
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New Contributor
Hi, I´m trying to create a precipitation grid to use as an input data for N-SPECT and I would like to know how to proceed. How can I create it if I only have the data from the meteorologic stations?
Thanks a lot for your time
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6 Replies
Deactivated User
Spatial Analyst has several options for interpolating between point data.  Cross posting this in the Spatial analyst forum might give you better results as to what method would work best for you.
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New Contributor
Thank you Matt
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Deactivated User
You might check the PRISM site at Oregon State University for ready-made grids of the US:

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Deactivated User
You have to use Thyssen polygons.
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Deactivated User
yes you can use Thiessen polygons
and create the grid shapefile.
and use the intersection tools from Analysis tools to get the data from Thiessen polygons to your grid.
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Honored Contributor
You might check the PRISM site at Oregon State University for ready-made grids of the US.

I know the PRISM methodologies are extremely complex. They use regression on several variables including distance, aspect, elevation, etc.  If there was a model in ArcGIS or if the PRISM method was explained enough to use ArcGIS tools to do something similar, that would be fantastic. The Thiessen method is well know and easy to use, but it does not take orographics into account.
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