I’m trying to combine LiDAR from two different sources into one file using the mosaic function. I then need to convert the resultant file into ascii format. I’ve been trying to do this in Arc using the mosaic function, before I export it to other software to build a ground model and carry out the hydraulic computations that are needed. The problem is that the ascii file I end up with is enormous, around 50X the size that I was expecting. Can anyone please let me know what might be going wrong?
Many thanks,
ascii files will be larger than their binary equivalent, nothing is wrong. What other formats does the destination software support?
Hi Dan, thanks for getting in touch. It will accept .txt, .asc or .igm files. Not a great choice I'm afraid.
do you mean *.img
Supported raster dataset file formats—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
Raster To Other Format—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
because a non-text format is going to be smaller
No, IGM. Infoworks format.
It appears you have your limits drawn, text will be text and much larger by default
OK, thanks anyway.