Thank you Lady Jane and Kloi!
Consulting other experienced users I arrived at similar conclusions (and a few more tips). My main concern needs to be the DEM quality. Using the "Reconditioning" function in the ArcHydro (I was not using it, but I will), before the "Fill" function (the only one available in the ArcGIS 10 Hydrological functions for us to perform a previous treatment of the DEM), may or may not solve the problem, giving me accurate results to the whole area. I hope so. If not, I'll consider the possibility of acquiring a more precise DEM, like discussed in the report you mentioned. Maybe through GeoEye, do you know it? Another possibility I was given is to perform improvements in the DEM in small areas, if the inaccuracy is restricted to them: use "RasteToPoints" to convert it and use a different interpolation function, such as SP Line with barriers, to get a better DEM in those areas. Well, much work ahead, but I'm writing this to thank you and maybe help other water resources colleagues new to the ArcGIS, like me. I don't know if you are reading me, but I appreciate the help of you both. And I'm glad you liked the title Lady Jane! Sense of humour, for me, is an essential tool to help us in any life situation, not excluding the difficult technical ones!