hi, use ArcHydro occasionally but I'm not too familiar with it. I had been using Arc Hydro 10.2 with ArcGIS 10.2 for a while and recently upgraded to ArcGIS 10.4. I then had an error in running one of the ArcHydro tools (Stream segmentation tool, error was "ArcMap has stopped working") and realized I probably needed to upgrade to ArcHydro 10.4 which might be the cause of the error.
So I uninstalled ArcHydro 10.2 and downloaded/installed ArcHydro 10.4. But the ArcHydro toolbar in ArcMap is still apparently using version 10.2. When I click "Help" in the toolbar, it shows the ArcHydro 10.2 documentation. I deleted temp files and rebooted my machine and it's still on ArcHydro 10.2. And I still have the stream segmentation error. Anyone know the issue here? Thanks!
I discovered this also after having lots of problems getting Arc Hydro (supposedly 10.4) to work without crashing. It must have crashed a dozen or more times yesterday (10/4/2016). I still did not get done what I wanted to get done. Skeptical it'll work right today. Considering simply using Spatial Analyst tools to get this problem done.
Has anyone heard from ESRI if the v10.2 in the toolbar is an edit they overlooked? Is it actually for v10.4? Yesterday I turned off the toolbar, closed ArcMap, rebooted, etc. before re-installing v10.4. After all that, I still had problems.
Toolbar help says what Dan pointed out: "Welcome to Arc Hydro for ArcGIS 10.2 (version 10.2, March 30 2015)"
I'm running v10.4.1 and installed ArcHydroTools_x64.msi. from:
yellow.esri.com - /archydro/archydro/Setup/10.4/
7/13/2016 10:31 AM 63235584 ArcHydroTools_x64.msi
Were either of you (or anyone else) able to resolve this?
Arc ( keeps crashing when I run the Stream Segmentation tool.
I installed the ArcHydro msi file from the link on ESRI's page downloaded on May 28, 2017, but (as noted by Mark Boucher) the info in the "About" portion seems out of date:
Will, no can't say it's resolved. I upgraded to ArcGIS 10.4 and have been running ArcHydro 10.4 on that. Usually it works, sometimes not. When it doesn't, I go to the hydro tools in the ArcToolbox. And I still see the Arc Hydro 10.2 documentation for the Help..
Any luck with ar hydro for v 10.4.1. It is keep crashing. Arc hydro worked when I was using 10.2.1. But i am unable to use i on new version for 10.4.1 yellow.esri.com - /archydro/archydro/Setup/10.4/
I think we are still on 10.3. I'd have to check once back in the office on Monday.
Mark Boucher
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