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Extracting multiple catchments

07-19-2011 07:04 AM
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New Contributor
I am working on a series of linear mountain ridges, and would like to extract all/most of the drainage basins which drain from the main drainage divide to the range front.  Is there an efficient way around this?

At the minute my most efficient method is to make a point shape file, then manually select the drainage outlets, before converting them to pour points with the hydrology toolbox. What I would really like to do would be to draw a vector along the front of the range, then somehow get Arc to automatically locate the intersection points between the river network with this vector.

Thank you very much for your help.
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Esri Contributor
You can use the geoprocessing Intersect tool to generate the intersection of the river lines and your vector line as points. Just select the 2 lines as input and specify "POINT" as output type.  The outputs will actually be multipoints but you can always dissolve them (Dissolve tool with the option Create Multi part features unchecked) to get back to points.

Christine Dartiguenave
Esri Water Resources Team
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