I was wondering what you mean exactly by this 1) Create a polyline shapefile and draw lines describing the area you think your gage data is accurate for and assign the appropriate elevations(since you want multiple gage events create an attribute field for each event).
Could I just select the contours that correspond to my water surface elevations and use those?
I cant provide you with examples as that would require client release forms, but I can help get you started on your own.
You are both lucky and unlucky. Projects like this are already done for a number of reasons and a similar system is being included in FEMA's new RISK MAP program. Does it have to be a coastal area? That greatly complicates modeling(which is the unlucky part). When you are dealing with coastal areas they are generally divided into relatively short stretches and a flood elevation is developed for just that section. Due to the wave runup, areas that are next to each other may have different flood elevations during the same storm event. HEC-RAS is a River Analysis System and does not do coastal flooding. There are models out there that do that, but being located in middle america I havent had to use one yet.
You are lucky though in that USGS has gages on rivers and NOAA has coastal gages (http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/) that provide elevation and discharge data over time. Included in the gage data are historical storms, ie hurricane Floyd hitting the Carolinas was captured by some gages so you can watch the storm surge come in and recede which is basically what you need).This would negate having to develop a flood model(unless its a requirement of your masters program)
Data needs:
topography-either contours or a digital elevation model(DEM) for the area of interest
water surface elevations-grab a gage and get some elevation data
3dAnalyst extension
Possibly Spatial Analyst
1) Create a polyline shapefile and draw lines describing the area you think your gage data is accurate for and assign the appropriate elevations(since you want multiple gage events create an attribute field for each event).
2) using 3dAnalyst convert your polyline file to a TIN (3dAnalyst Toolbar->Create/Modify TIN select your polyline file, assign the output location, identify the elevation source, all else leave at default)
3)convert your topography to a TIN
3a) if contours, do it the same way you did the polyline elevation file
3b)if a DEM use 3dAnalyst toolbar-> Convert->Raster to TIN (keep the Z value as low as possible)
4) If you just want a polygon to show the extents of the flooding use "TIN difference" which is located in the 3d Analyst Tools Toolbox under "Tin surface"
5) if you want a raster that shows the depths at each location convert your Terrain and Water Surface TINs to Rasters (3dAnalyst toolbar->Convert-Tin to Raster) and use Raster Calculator in the Spatial Analyst toolbar to subtract your terrain data from the water surface raster.
If you have any questions or need something explained more let me know and I'll do what I can. Good luck with your masters degree.