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I un- and re-installed Arc Hydro Tools and tried to run it again. When trying to "Set Target Locations", which seems simple enough, I get a "tool not valid" error. None of the tools function, various errors are returned from all of them.
I downloaded your data. I projected the streams layer to the same coordinate system a you dem and changed the project on the data frame to that same projection. I ran the dem reconditioning using the dem and the reprojected streams dataset and it ran without error.
Your raster's coordinate system is:
USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_USGS_version, WKID: 102039 Authority: ESRI
Your polyline layer coordinate system is:
GCS_North_American_1983, WKID: 4269 Authority: EPSG
Your first step is to choose the coordinate system for your project and reproject the data to the same coordinate system.