Hi all,
I am using the "DEM reconditioning from stream grid" tool and unfortunately it seems that all my pixels where the value is "0" (zero) are transformed to "No Data" points.
In my original DEM file (GRID format) values range from 107,97 to -1,77.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem may be?
Thanks a lot for the help.
Which version of Arc Hydro are you using? I believe this is something we have fixed. Internally, when we use the Con_sa tool, 0 is seen as no data unless we put an additional condition.
Christine Dartiguenave
Esri Water Resources Team
I am also running into this same issue. I am using ArcMap 10.6.1. However, it does not seem to just change 0 values to No data, but also values less than 0. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if its a problem with the version of Archydro I am using. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Have you installed the patch for Spatial Analyst (ArcGIS (Desktop, Engine, Server) 10.6.1 Spatial Analyst Patch ). I just tested with a GRID with 0 and negative values and could not reproduce the issue with the latest version of Arc Hydro (/ARCHYDRO/ArcHydro/Setup/10.6/ ). If you still have the issue with this version and the patch installed, I may need to take a look at your data.
Christine Dartiguenave
Esri Water Resources Team
I Just installed that patch and tried it again. I still have the same problem. How could I share my DEM with you?
I also have the stream features I would need to share.