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Calculating (Static) Volume of Watercourse

12-16-2010 06:09 AM
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Emerging Contributor
Hi there,

I need to calculate the volume of a watercourse using the LIDAR and Bathymetry (+current water, design levels) data that I have in hand.  I don't need to take into account river flow or anything like that (yet), but simply need the static volume.  I'm working on a dam project and we need to know what the capacity for storage is.  How can I do this in ArcView (Spatial and 3d Analyst)?

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Emerging Contributor
Create a ground-level DEM from the combination of elevation and bathymetry data.  Subtract the DEM from the static lake elevation.  Use Min or Con to zero out any negative values: you now have a grid of lake depths.  Multiply the zonal sum (using a map of the intended lake surface as the zone) by the square of the cellsize.

Thanks very much!  Worked like a charm.
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