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Automatic implementation of Batch Point for Watersheds delineation

10-14-2013 01:38 AM
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Emerging Contributor
I need to create a model in ArcGIS in order to delineate streams and watershed. After resolving the problem of exporting streams, I encounter an other issue. Indeed, I need to automatically create several outlet batch points in order to create different polygon representing the differents watershed of the area I'm studying (The area will change depending on the data we will give me, that's why I need to get an automatization).
So, I know there is in ArcHYDRO a tool to create outlet btach points but I need a tool to batch them automatically.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
HEC-GeoHMS has a tool that imports points to the batch point layer no matter what other feature class they are in. If you can get that tool into your model, all you need is to figure out how to create some points be made batch points (Feature to Point?) and have that tool act on them when they are selected.

Even when I'm using ArcHydro, GeoHMS tools work on the ArcHydro layers. I don't have to create a GeoHMS project.
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Emerging Contributor
Thank you for your answer, I didn't know this Tool, it seems very interresting. Finally I just run the Basin Tool in the Hydrology section of the Spatial Analyst Toolbox and it gave me the differents basin I was looking for, the problem is that I mustn't create myself outlet points because I need to be able to run a modlel for every data possible.
Thank you anyway for the Tool,

Take care,
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