Is anyone aware of a way to associate the watershed point file created using the Batch Watershed Delineation command your original point file?
The watershed point file has a HydroID and a DrainID and the watershed polygon file has a HydroID. The DrainID and the HydroID of the two files appear to match, however, the input Batch Point File used within the Batch Watershed Delineation command does not appear to have any association with the watersheds or the watershed points created using the command. Is there a way to associate the original point file with the output watershed point and watershed polygon files?
If an attribute join isn't possible, have you ruled out a spatial join?
Spatial join is the best option I have come up with thus far. The problem is there are approximately 700 points and some are very close to each other, so it isn't always an accurate method.
It seems like there should be a way to hold an id value or identifying value from the original data set and carry it through the watershed command, but I am not able to figure out how.