ArcHydro Problem Solvers

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01-19-2012 06:10 AM
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Honored Contributor
This is a collection of actions I've learned to take when I'm having problems with ArcHydro or HEC-GeoHMS. I'll add to the list when I find more.

  1. Make sure the Geoprocessing extents include the whole project: Go to the Geoprocessing menu>Environments...>Processing Extent. Under Processing Extent choose a layer that you know covers the full extent of the waters you are processing and click OK. This should ensure that the processing extent is large enough to do what you want.

  2. Delete everything you can in your temp folder: Mine is C:\Users\mboucher\AppData\Local\Temp. Get out of ArcMap first to clear temp files related to your project. You can do this without getting out of ArcMap through the ArcHydro Toolbar under ApUtilities>Additional Utilities>Clean User's Temp Folder.

  3. Make sure your Target Locations are correct: Under ApUtilities>Set Target Locations, make sure the HydroConfig and they GeoHMSConfig Targets make sense. The raster data should go to the project folder vector data to a geodatabase. The raster data will go to a folder in the project folder with the dataframe name and the vector data to a feature data set with the dataframe name. Through the ArcHydro Toolbar under there is a function to reset the target locations: ApUtilities>Additional Utilities>Reset Target Locations. I've not tested this to see if it corrects everything.

  4. When working on a complicated model, don't use the model mxd for your presentation map. It just adds baggage to an already "heavy" mxd.

If you have additional actions or clarifications on these, please chime in.
102 Replies
Deactivated User

It actually worked!!!

I changed my target locations for vector files from "gdb" to "mdb" (Personal geodatabase). That might have had something to do with it as well as usng GIS 10.1. I am not sure.

I was creating clips of my DEM and stream shape file as well but I still created/saved them in a gdb (not a mdb).

Any thoughts on the matter?! Thank you!

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Honored Contributor

Glad it is working! I have my agreestream layer in a gdb. I've been using 10.1. We haven't "upgraded" to 10.2 yet.

I stopped changing the layer names in the tools a while back and started just using the layer names the same as the Arc Hydro defaults. So, I use "rawdem", "agreestream", "innerwalls", etc. Succumming to the defaults saves time for me because each project actually references the same agreestream and walls layers. I work in and for the county and so it make sense to build on this layer over time. If I have adjacent watersheds of datasets to bring into the agreestream layer, I don't have to clip them. I believe the processing extents limits where the tools "look" and it doesn't add much to the processing time. At least I don't have to take the time to clip them for every project.

When I move the data to the C:drive, this actually only has to include the rawdem and the mxd. My agreestream and walls layers are actually left in a gdb on the server. The creation/read/write of the rasters that precipitate from the process are the ones that I believe are better to have (or have created) on the local drive to eliminate the HRESULT E_FAILerror.

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Deactivated User

I see. Thank you for your great input on the matter.

I keep in touch!


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Honored Contributor

The agree stream layer I use is the storm drain layer that helps define the flow pattern in flat urbanized areas. It also includes “streams” I use to cut through rural road embankments and freeway embankments where there are culverts.

Deactivated User

Dear Mr. Boucher,

I encountered the same error (a shorter message, but same HRESULT E_FAIL error) when I wanted to create catchment polygons from my catchments. (input: cat, output:Catchment)

and I tried my data with another computer that had ArcGIS 10.1 and it worked without a hassle! (I was working with 10.2 when it didn't work)

Just wanted to put this out here.

Also , i have a question regarding AgreeDEM. Although, I have been doing AgreeDEM for my data, I havent really understood how to figure out Smooth and Sharp drop/raise. When I am given a set of data, how do I figure that out? I usually use 2,3 or 5 for my buffer cell size; but for smooth and sharp drop/raise, I am not sure what to do. I use 0.5-1 for smooth and 5-10 for sharp, and my reasons are that I am working in Florida region, and it is a flat terrain. I am not sure if I am using the right factors.

I know that it is said, I can do trial and error and see the results and change the factors, but since there are 3 different factors, it will take a lot of trails to really understand the effect of each factor.

Any thoughts on that?!


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Honored Contributor

So it seems there is a 10.2 problem. Sorry, I haven't had 10.2 to play with.

I have noticed that ESRI has a 10.2 version of Arc Hydro. Have you installed that?

I found links to it. You can search the forums for "Arc Hydro Setup Versions" or go to this link: (‌).

Based on that thread, ESRI will continue to post the downloads on the mft site at (‌).

This thread has the login and password info (‌).

There might be a better way to direct you to other threads. I was off for 4 weeks and came back to the new geonet format. Still adjusting.

Deactivated User

thanks for the links, I had the 10.2 version of ArcHydro installed already. I am still having issues although I was using 10.1 and I did manage to get polygon catchments. I get the same HRESULT E_Fail error at Drainage Line Processing.

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Deactivated User

Dear MBoucher,

I had exactly the same problems as LAYLA using ArcHydro v10.2 on ArcGIS V10.22

I tested all the solutions you proposed without changing either ArcHydro or ArcGIS version.

None of the solutions did not yield results and I always get the same message "HRESULT E_FAIL error returned from a call to a COM component" when i use DEM Reconditionning

I have not been tested LAYLA's solution because I do not have a computer with ArcGIS 10.1 installed.

My second computer have an ArcHydro v1.4 with ArcGIS v9.3.1 where everything works perfectly.

So I think this is a real BUG in the ArcHydro v10.2

Sincerely Yours.

NB : I'm using French ArcGIS and sorry for my bad English.

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Honored Contributor

Regarding the smooth and sharp drop/raise values:

The Arc Hydro help explains the three input. Here's my interpretation and practice (bullet items):

Stream buffer (cells) – this is the number of cells around the linear feature class for which the smoothing will occur.

  • I've found that the narrower this is, the less it disrupts what the rawdem "tells you" about the surface. I usually use 2 and I work with a 10' DEM. I believe you can use 1 and still have it work.

Smooth drop/raise – this is the amount (in vertical units) that the river will be dropped (if the number is positive) or the fence extruded (if the number is negative). This value will be used to interpolate DEM into the buffered area (between the boundary of the buffer and the dropped/raised vector feature).

  • If you don't want to wipe out levees around your stream, then keep this low.
  • If after you look at your flow direction (fdr) grid and you find that the fdr creates parallel streams where there should be only one, then increase this. I understand (I think correctly) that this basically smooths out the banks of your burned in stream so that any parallel streams or any pockets that should flow directly to the stream, but wouldn't otherwise, are eliminated.
  • You can use the flow path tracing tool in the Arc Hydro toolbar to investigate. If you get parallel streams, you will want  more smooth drop.
  • So, to see what smooth drop/raise you need. Start with zero and just go to the flow direction grid in the processing and stop. Then see if you have any flow direction issues right along the streams that you don't want, increase it.

Sharp drop/raise – this is the additional amount (in vertical units) that the river will be dropped (if the number is positive) or the fence extruded (if the number is negative). This has the effect of additional burning/fencing on top of the smooth buffer interpolation. It needs to be performed to ensure preserving the linear features used for burning/fencing.

  • This value can be very large (10,000 would even work). Where the agreestream polylines are, the burning process lowers those cells this depth.
  • I've never used this to extrude a "fence". I use innerwalls for that.
  • Since the ultimate goal is to get a good flow direction grid (fdr), the final elevations of the agreedem or walleddem (if you build walls too) are not that important. All of the rest of the processing is dependant on the fdr. If you need an elevation later you will take that from the rawdem.

Hope this makes sense and is helpful.

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Deactivated User

Thank you! Yes very helpful!

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