ArcHydro Problem Solvers

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01-19-2012 06:10 AM
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Honored Contributor
This is a collection of actions I've learned to take when I'm having problems with ArcHydro or HEC-GeoHMS. I'll add to the list when I find more.

  1. Make sure the Geoprocessing extents include the whole project: Go to the Geoprocessing menu>Environments...>Processing Extent. Under Processing Extent choose a layer that you know covers the full extent of the waters you are processing and click OK. This should ensure that the processing extent is large enough to do what you want.

  2. Delete everything you can in your temp folder: Mine is C:\Users\mboucher\AppData\Local\Temp. Get out of ArcMap first to clear temp files related to your project. You can do this without getting out of ArcMap through the ArcHydro Toolbar under ApUtilities>Additional Utilities>Clean User's Temp Folder.

  3. Make sure your Target Locations are correct: Under ApUtilities>Set Target Locations, make sure the HydroConfig and they GeoHMSConfig Targets make sense. The raster data should go to the project folder vector data to a geodatabase. The raster data will go to a folder in the project folder with the dataframe name and the vector data to a feature data set with the dataframe name. Through the ArcHydro Toolbar under there is a function to reset the target locations: ApUtilities>Additional Utilities>Reset Target Locations. I've not tested this to see if it corrects everything.

  4. When working on a complicated model, don't use the model mxd for your presentation map. It just adds baggage to an already "heavy" mxd.

If you have additional actions or clarifications on these, please chime in.
102 Replies
Regular Contributor
Follow up on this, user was able to successfully generate sub-basin with ArcHydro tools in ArcMap 10.1, but not in 10.2 using exactly same data.

Error with Batch Subwatershed Delineation


see in thread "why can I not define a stream network" the same error result when using the Catchment Polygon Processing tool


Response was to not work over a network. My user is working with data on C drive. All steps up to subwatershed delineation work fine.

Any thoughts?

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Honored Contributor
Here is the latest on connecting to the Arc Hydro ftp site. this worked for me today 3/14/2014 using Filezilla.

Protocol: SFTP
User: ADSRiverHydraulics
Pass: ADSRiver.2014
Port: 22
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License requirement information for different tools w/in Arc Hydro.
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A problem I have encountered is that some vector files are being processed without necessary fields. The DrainageLine file needs a field labeled "DrainID" for AdjointCatchment to process. If it does not have the field, just add it and set it equal to "GridID."
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Honored Contributor
A problem I have encountered is that some vector files are being processed without necessary fields. The DrainageLine file needs a field labeled "DrainID" for AdjointCatchment to process. If it does not have the field, just add it and set it equal to "GridID."

I have not encountered this, or at least I have not looked at the fields after a process has failed to see if anything is missing. Possibly the missing fields are the cause of the crashes. The crashes, I've found are nearly eliminated when working on my local computer and not over the network. Maybe, when working over the network, the slow processing causes a "hiccup" in the processing steps and the fields are not created thereby causing the crash.

I am no network guru, but I am familiar with radio data communications. In our radio based data collection system (SCADA) there is a "time out" setting. If one radio does not "hear" from the other after a certain time, the assumption is that the communication link is lost and the radio "gives up" trying to communicate. If we set the time out to low, the system gives up trying to communicate too soon. If we set it to high, it will "waste time" trying to communicate when there is a problem. This is important with we need to collect data from several data collection stations and can't keep waiting because of a bad radio com issue.

The closest most people get to this is when their smart phone is trying to connect to wifi and can't make a connection. It will give up trying after some time. The next closest is when trying to fax to a non-fax number and the fax machine tries a few times and then gives up when it doesn't get an answer or "handshake" from the other end.

I put this out there to say that maybe some network speeds are too slow for Arc Map to work with when doing the heavy data processing and some processes in Arc Map give up when the other end of the network doesn't answer soon enough due to bottle necked data transfer.
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Deactivated User


I have already asked about this issue with another set of data before, but I am stuck on DEM Reconditioning again with HRESULT E_FAIL error (returned frmoa call to a COM component)

I have tried everything i could find on this on the forum. I have deleted and created the layers over and over again for the past 2 days. I am all out of ideas. I have used my DEM, my NHD layer and zoomed extent and used the display extent for my "Environment Extend". My background processing is off. My Temp Folder is empty and results are removed. I also set my target locations to a folder (that i made for the project) for raster data and a gdb with the same name (under the raster folder) for the vector data.

I also set the target location for all three of the following: Ap UtilitiesConfig, DefaultConfig and HydroConfig.

Is there anything I am missing?

The name of my msx is short with no number or space too. Same with the name of my folder and gdb.

Your reply is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Honored Contributor

Layla - Have you tried moving your data and project to your local PC hard drive? I don't see that in that on your list of things you've tried. Make sure your folder path is short and simple with no spaces (I used C:\GIS\MoragaPt25 for my last one). Put the agreestream layer in a geodataset. I found that seems to work best. Start a new mxd and add base layers to is. Mine are rawdem, agreestream, innerwalls, outerwalls (only use outerwalls once in a while). By starting a new mxd, the target locations get set automatically. Let us know if you done this, and if not, if when you do it, if it helps.

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Deactivated User

Hello Mr. Boucher,

Thank you for your quick reply. I actually had done that too. Still no luck.

By agreestream layer, you mean the NHLFlowline (USGS)/the stream layer I will use on my DEM layer in AgreeDEM? IF yes, I have that  in a GeoDataBase (.gdb) as well. I am trying it with arcGIS 10.1 now (I was using 10.2) I will let you know how it goes.

Thank you

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