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ArcHydro/HECGeoHMS Generate Project Error

11-25-2016 10:57 AM
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Deactivated User

Hello Mr. MBoucher21‌,

I am Jomar, and I am new in using ArcHydro and HEC GeoHMS. 

I wanted to ask for your help regarding the error that I have encountered in generating my project in HEC GeoHMS.

I always encounter this problem whenever I generate a new project. The error reads as:

"System.Runtime.IteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error

HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

at ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoprocessorClass.Execute(StringName, IVariantArray ipValues, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel)


ESRI.APWR.HEC GeoHMS10.GeneralProject.GenerateProjectLayersWk(ApLayers apLayers, String& exMessage)"

I have already followed the instructions in the manual, as well as the tips from other people in some forums, but still I encounter the same problem when generating a new project.

Can you help me in figuring out how to solve this? 


Best regards,

Jomar Paul Romero

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor


I don't recall running into that error when generating an HMS project using GeoHMS. However, I have not repeatedly used GeoHMS to generate a lot of projects. I'd say I've used it less than a dozen times. Also, it has been a long time since I have used GeoHMS.

The error "System.Runtime.IteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component." is a very generic error message. The HRESULT is a "tag" for a type of error code to distinguish certain error codes from other error codes. (HRESULT - Wikipedia ).

I am not a systems administrator. I don't have training on database structure. I'm no expert on discerning network or database errors, let along Arc Map errors. Having said that, I have gotten around this mysterious type of error by

  • simplifying the names of layers, and
  • running the Arc Hydro project on my local drive and on a network server.

When I started making my project names without spaces and as short as possible, frustrating and mysterious errors all basically vanished. When I started putting my .mxd (and therefore my Arc Hydro project directories on my local PC (C: drive)), the processing speed increased dramatically.  If I do run into the errors, I will save everything, close ArcMap, and restart my PC. For some reason the errors will go away when I do that. I've wondered if the "undo" list gets too long and causes things to freeze up. Just my own "superstition".

So, if you haven't yet, you should put the .mxd and GeoHMS project on your local PC and make sure the file path names are short and have not spaces.

I also used Model Builder to "program" the steps needed to process the data. This helps me if I have to restart the process over and over to get past errors. it also documents the process. Most, if not all, Arc Hydro and GeoHMS commands can be run using the Toolbox tools and these can be "programed" in Model Builder.

Hope this helps.


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Deactivated User

Dear Mark,

Thank you for your suggestions.  I will try the things that you mentioned to me.

Best regards,


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New Contributor

Did you find a soultion to this error?


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Emerging Contributor

I had the same error. I was using projected dem for the hydro analysis but for setting up a new project you need to add original dem with original coordinate data set. After adding original dem to current layer view, Change raw dem to newly added original dem in data management under project setup. And then proceed to generate project.


though my error got solved , while creating new project layer raster layers extracted are not getting added. 

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Emerging Contributor

If you have only projected dem , you can add that dem to layer folder created while hydro raster generations and then proceed 

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Emerging Contributor

I found out a reliable solution for this problem.

firstly I am using ArcMAP 10.1, ArcHydrotool 10.1 and HECGEOHMS 10.1. ( Remember to keep all versions same).

create a folder for your work in c drive and create arcmap folder there.

import your dem to that folder prior to work

start by projecting your dem to UTM projections and IS units. 

add projected dem to arcmap. Activate HECGEOHMS and archydrotools from customise >tool bars.

very imp step: click on app utilities in archydrotool box , and set for hecgeohms utility as ( choose correct folder pathway for Easter and vector files to be saved throughout the work) ( in raster : eg : c\desktop\mywork\Layers)) 

If layers is not came default , just type and save it. 
for vector mywork.gdb will come automatically 

then save it .


now before each step of HECGEOHMS, check in data management section to confirm all the fields.


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