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ArcHydro for Pro Wetlands Identification Model - Train Random Trees Error RasterXSize error

03-03-2021 09:25 AM
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Emerging Contributor

I encountered an error running the ArcHydro for Pro Wetlands Identification Model - Train Random Trees tool.

The error gave the following message:

('line 337', 'c:\\program files\\arcgis\\pro\\Resources\\ArcToolbox\\Scripts\\archydro\\', "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'RasterXSize'")

After surfing this forum for similar RasterXSize errors, I discovered that the issue is an incomplete path for the input predictor variable rasters in the ArcHydro Train Random Tree tool. 

Basically, if you accept the shortened "layer" path from the tool drop down (my inputs were in a group layer), the tool cannot find the input rasters. Instead, I navigated to the full network path for every input and the tool ran quickly and smoothly.

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