I have recently started working with ArcHydro (within arcmap) with our state department to help monitor watershed zones downstream of our surface water systems. However, I seem to be having an issue getting anything to run. I tried a variety of processes, but everything seems to end in an error. I tried following suggestions from other community threads, but nothing seems to be working for me.
I tried:
-setting the extent to the full work space
-shortening the file path names
-deleting files in the temp folder
Yet so far nothing seems to work. Currently I am just trying to fill sinks in my DEM.
I get this error:
I get similar errors when trying to run other operations.
Welcome to Arc Hydro.
I created a discussion titled "Arc Hydro Problem Solvers" (https://community.esri.com/t5/water-resources-questions/archydro-problem-solvers/td-p/499200) that could be of help. It is has tips for reducing errors. One is to put your .mxd on your local drive if you are working on a network. This speeds up the processing as well and eliminates many error that may have to do with read/write across the network. There are other settings that help.
Others have also contributed. There are some sub-threads that address certain issues.
I am not working in ArcGIS Pro yet, so I can't speak to any changes related to using Pro.
Thank you for the information Mark, I actually found your discussion in my searches previously, and I ended up making my own thread as a last resort because nothing was working. It's holding up my work flow currently and I am trying everything I can think of along with every suggestion I have found in other discussions but can't seem to find anything that works. I have even tried running it on other computers and I feel stuck. Do you know if the DEM has to be in a specific format or if there's any prep I have to do with it beforehand? The data itself is the only thing I can think might be the issue at this point, but it seems to work for other agencies so I'm a bit at a loss.