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ArcGis 10 -> GeoTiff for TauDem5

05-03-2011 11:58 PM
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New Contributor

I'm trying to use TauDem5 to create flow directions for a DEM by using the DInf algorithm. First of all, I did an interpolation (IDW) of points inported from text files with ArcGis10. Afterwards, I exported the DEM as .tif - file to use it as input for the DInfFlowDir-tool from TauDem. Everytime I'm trying to execute this process via command line, I'm getting this error:

Error opening file .
application calles MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 22) - process 0

I'm not sure what's wrong here. Is it an issue of the installation or maybe the wrong output format?

I would appreciate your help with this!

Thanks a lot!

Best regards!
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
Has anybody figured out a solution to this error? I am attempting to do the same thing, my input is a GeoTiff and I still get this error.

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 22) - process 0
Error opening file <file name>.
TauDEM input files have to be GeoTiff files.

I have not found any documentation on this, if anyone else has run into this I would appreciate your insight!

Thank you!
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Deactivated User
mart2409 - have you fixed the issue?

I had the exact issue - "TauDEM input files have to be GeoTiff files".

Has anybody figured out a solution to this error? I am attempting to do the same thing, my input is a GeoTiff and I still get this error.

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 22) - process 0
Error opening file <file name>.
TauDEM input files have to be GeoTiff files.

I have not found any documentation on this, if anyone else has run into this I would appreciate your insight!

Thank you!
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MVP Alum
All of these errors indicate that MPI is not installed correctly. I recall it was a big ordeal to get MPI to work. Go to MPI website and follow their installation/troubleshooting.
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