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Arc Hydro Tools 10.1 - Stream Segmentation

05-29-2013 04:48 AM
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New Contributor
Currently I am working with the Arc Hydro Tools 10.1. 

My Problem is:
I don't understand what the Program is doing with the "stream segmentation" tool.
What are the segments? I don't get what is defined with the values.
Can someone explain it? The "Help" function didn't really help me.

Thanks in advance.
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Esri Contributor
The Stream Segmentation tool allows assigning the same unique value to stream cells located within the same stream segment.
Segments are defined as either head stream segments (the most upstream stream branch) or segments located between two segment junctions. All the cells in a particular segment have the same grid code that is specific to that segment.

The Stream Link is used as input by the Catchment Delineation tool (Link grid) to define the catchments as the subwatersheds draining into each stream segment. Note that the value of the Catchment Grid is the value of the associated Link, and this value is also stored in the GridID field for Catchment/DrainageLine and AdjointCatchment).

Christine Dartiguenave
Esri Water Resources Team
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