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Community Maps for Hydrology | Q & A's

03-19-2015 02:34 PM
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Community Maps for Hydrology | Q & A's

Here are the Questions and Answers from the Water Resources Webinar, Community Maps for Hydrology

  • Q1: I may have missed the explanation earlier, but is the Multi-Directional Hillshade basemap available?
  • A1:  Follow the link to access the multi-directional Hillshade map. In the next few months we will be releasing a cached version of the multi-directional Hillshade as a map service. This will increase the drawing speed.

  • Q2: Are you guys using the Wiski-Kisters to host your time series data? Or where do you get your time series data from? Is it from the CUAHSI web services? Or from local data providers?
  • A2: We are using ArcGIS for Server’s GeoEvent Processor to ingest time series data directly from the web services of the contributing organization. So, for USGS it is coming from NWIS, for Australia it is coming from their WISKI database, etc. Only the most recent record is hosted on ArcGIS Online, not the time series.

  • Q3: How often is the data from the USGS gages updated?
  • A3: All of the stream gauges in the map are updated every hour.

  • Q4: What was the name of the stream gauge service used in the example?
  • A4: Live Stream Gauges

  • Q5: Do you give free credits for contributing?
  • A5: No, unfortunately we do not.

  • Q6: When errors with basemap features are submitted, what is the general turnaround time before those will be fixed in the base map?  Also, what is the best place to submit notice of those errors? And how long does it take to be updated?
  • A6: Please use the Topographic Map Feedback to report any errors, or speak directly to your Esri distributor. The turnaround time depends largely on the type and nature of the error.

  • Q7: If points are in the same stream, does the watershed tool create entire watersheds for each or partial watershed for the one downstream - as it does in 10.2?
  • A7: The Watershed Geoprocessing service will create complete watersheds for each point input into the too
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Version history
Last update:
‎03-19-2015 02:34 PM
Updated by:
Anonymous User