Is there a way to customize or somehow configure the 'Create an Assignment' page? Specifically, i'd like to automatically generate an 'ID' value. We currently have a manual process/routine to create an ID (we use the term 'case number' for id) based on year and a count of cases previously created. So the last case number might be 16-0097 and the new assignment would have a case number of 16-0098. somehow parse out some of the info on the form to create/populate a custom-url the Survey123 survey associated for the task and paste that to the 'Description' text box. For example, auto populate the URL with the case number, lat and lon, street address etc. These things can be generated manually for sure, but it would make integrating Workforce into the existing workflow much easier and cleaner if they were auto generated when creating a new assignment. Thanks, Tom
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05:37 PM
Hey Craig. The Admin added the World Geocoder and set it as the default for our Org. After that change, the address lookup and reverse geocoding worked as expected. When the admin moved our Org Geocoder to be the default (but left the World Geocoder as an option) the address lookup and reverse geocoding reverted back to its undesirable behavior. Seems like our Org geocoder is part of the problem. Are there some specific settings or some such we need to make for our Org geocoder to function like the World geocoder? Tom
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03:56 PM
Hi Craig. Some interesting results regarding the geocoder...... first i need to track down our Org Admin to verify the default geocoder, but i suspect its our Org geocoder - its the default when creating a web app; in fact its the only geocoder available. When i use that geocoder in a stand alone web app, it finds addresses as expected. In the Workforce Dispatcher map, the geocoder results are very odd. For example if i use the address '600 NE Grand' all the results are for 'GRANT' (notice the D / T switch) and the address numbers are 4 digits, e.g. 6020 NE Grant. We are definitely looking forward to the 1.1 release. The Workforce app is already getting some serious interest in our Org. thanks.
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01:24 PM
Hello, When i create an assignment and provide a location for that assignment by typing in an address in the search bar, all works as expected. However, when i define the location by clicking on the map, the app seems to get stuck. The green check mark appears next to the label location, and a blue marker is placed on the map. But, no address text is displayed on the form and the 'Create Assignment' button remains enabled. If i go back to enter a location via the search bar, the address is shown and the 'create assignment' button is enabled. And if i go back and click on the map to set the location, the address text is removed and the 'create assignment' button is again disabled. Is there some additional step that i need to take when adding the location by clicking on the map? Thank you.
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03:04 PM
We are getting the same error response - sometimes - when using the .NET runtime version 10.2.7 to export a tile cache that is served up behind a corporate fire wall. We haven't really been able to decipher a pattern, other than once it starts happening the regularity of the error response seems to be more frequent. Our ArcGIS Server logs show a 'Severe' entry coinciding with the error response returned to the runtime. The AGS log entry reads something like 'Error getting status for job xxxxxx on Export Cache JSONObject["value"] not found'. Can you share what changes were made by the content team that fixed the issue when using the service?
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10:42 PM
Hi Robert. I am working on a JSBIN which merges together your sample code and my code. I am using the Esri sample service URL from your sample, but i am running into problems when calling: vizLayer.setLayerDrawingOptions(optionsArray); I am guessing that "" does not allow server side dynamic rendering? Do you know of any Esri sample services that do allow that? or perhaps I am doing something else wrong altogether? Anyway, if you comment out the line for 'setLayerDrawingOptions()', the map does display without error. And if you click on a county, no info window is displayed. Is the problem as simple as me not defining an InfoWindowTemplate? Not sure why, but i have assumed that a default info window/popup would be displayed even if i didn't define one. Tom
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10:24 AM
Hi Robert. (Last night I tried to reply to your comment via email, but it seems not to have worked. So, i am copy/pasting my reply directly on the GeoNet site. Sorry if this ends up being eventually duplicated.....). Thanks for your reply. You are correct, I am not using an Identify Task. I apologize for the confusion. I am using the map’s default ‘onClick’ behavior to display a popup/info window. The code to set that is: map.setInfoWindowOnClick(true); Not sure I have much code to show other than the snippet I presented in the original post. In lieu of code, here is a more detailed description that is hopefully helpful. I am using the 3.13 API. My map has 10+ layers on it – mostly typical stuff: states, congressional districts, multiple levels of HUCs and so on. One of the tools I have built takes a collection of user input, then calls a server side geoprocessing service that we created. The GP service does some modeling work and generates a map service for all the HUC 12s within a selected HUC 8. That resulting map service is then added to the map as a dynamic map layer. A user can then click anywhere in the HUC 8 (or anywhere on the map actually), and a popup displays features from the visible layers that are “underneath” the click, e.g. the state, congressional district, HUC 8 Code, HUC 12 Code, and so. If I don’t apply a renderer to the GP generated map layer, intersecting features from that layer are displayed in the popup. However, if I set the class break renderer for the GP generated layer, no features from that layer are displayed in popup. Using Fiddler to compare the REST query requests that are generated as a result of the map click, I can see that there is a REST request against the GP generated layer when the renderer is not set, but there is not a REST request against the GP generated layer when I set the class break renderer. This is the code I use to create the ‘generic symbol’ that is passed into the class break renderer as the default symbol (class break renderer code in original post): var genericSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); genericSymbol.setColor(new Color([200,200,200,1])); genericSymbol.setOutline(new SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([100,100,100]),0.5)); Thanks again for your help.
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09:25 AM
I am seeing some unexpected behavior when my code performs an Identify operation against a DynamicMapServiceLayer that has a class breaks renderer applied to it. My code is using the default Identify operation, i.e. map.setInfoWindowOnClick(true). The 'unexpected behavior' is that no feature(s) from the dynamic map service is returned in the Identify features result set when i have set a class breaks renderer on the dynamic map service. But, when i use just the default renderer, the Identify behaves as expected - a feature is returned from the Identify operation. One potentially interesting bit of info is that the dynamic map service URL is a map service created as part of a geoprocessing service (that may just be a red herring but thought i would include it just in case......) Here's a code snippet: var vizLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(url, { "id": }); var renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(genericSymbol, "vizRender"); renderer.addBreak({minValue: -10, maxValue: 20, symbol: LowSymbol, label: "0 - 20%"}); renderer.addBreak({minValue: 20, maxValue: 40, symbol: MediumLowSymbol, label: "20 - 40%"}); renderer.addBreak({minValue: 40, maxValue: 60, symbol: MediumSymbol, label: "40 - 60%"}); renderer.addBreak({minValue: 60, maxValue: 80, symbol: MediumHighSymbol, label: "60 - 80%"}); renderer.addBreak({minValue: 80, maxValue: 110, symbol: HighSymbol, label: "80 - 100%"}); var optionsArray = []; var drawingOptions = new LayerDrawingOptions(); drawingOptions.renderer = renderer; optionsArray[0] = drawingOptions; vizLayer.setLayerDrawingOptions(optionsArray); When I comment out the last line of code, (vizLayer.setLayerDrawingOptions(optionsArray)) and leave everything else the same, the Identify returns a feature(s) from the dynamic map service. However, if i leave the line of code in, the Identify returns no features from the dynamic map service. Is that the expected behavior? is there a way i can do an Identify against a dynamic service with a renderer applied? Thank you.
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03:40 PM
Hey Laura. That is awesome! Thank you for your undaunted quest for the answer. I am going to have to brush off an old project and see if we can finally get the printing to work. Thanks again, Tom
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12:03 PM
Good luck. Please post back here if you get an answer to your other thread. Thank you.
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03:46 PM
Hi Laura. Nope. Sorry to say that i never got it figured it. At the 2015 dev summit i chatted with one of the Esri devs and we never got it figured out then either. It 'should' work but doesn't. Not sure if any of the updates since 3.11 helped or not.....
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03:40 PM
Hi Freddie, Extending the Editor class worked like a charm. Thank you. And fortunately there was no real additional code I needed to write to Delete the vertex. I just passed in the VertexPosition object from the extended Editor to the Delete command, and the selected vertex was deleted.
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04:18 PM
Thank you for the tip. I will give it a try and let you know how it goes.
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01:23 PM
Hello, I am trying to delete a vertex from an existing polyline, and I cannot seem to figure out the workflow to do it. From a UX perspective, my idealized version of the workflow would be to start an edit operation on a polyline, select a particular vertex, right click to open a context menu, and then click a 'Delete' button. That part of the workflow I can do, but I can't figure out what to do in the code after the 'Delete' button has been clicked. How do I get access to selected vertex? There is a private property (m_VertexPosition) on the MapView.Editor object that I would like to access but can't get to directly. Ideally, that should be a public property that I could get to. There is a VertexPosition property in the GeometryEditStatus event object that is passed into the 'Progess.ProgressChanged' event, but that event seems to be raised only after some edit action, e.g. move, etc, has been performed. And I am not sure how to manually raise the event with a fully populated GeometryEditStatus I though about using a 'mousedown' event when the vertex is selected, and iterating over the Editor's input geometry to find a matching coordinate pair, but what happens if the user wants to delete a vertex that was added as part of the edit action and is not part of the input geometry So it seems like i am not on quite on the right path for now. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sample Code Progress<GeometryEditStatus> progress = new Progress<GeometryEditStatus>();
progress.ProgressChanged += progress_ProgressChanged;
Geometry.Geometry newPolyline = await mv.Editor.EditGeometryAsync(g.Geometry, null, progress);
progress.ProgressChanged -= progress_ProgressChanged;
void progress_ProgressChanged(object sender, GeometryEditStatus e)
if (e.GeometryEditAction == GeometryEditAction.MovedVertex)
ICommand delete = mv.Editor.DeleteVertex;
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11:30 AM
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