I thought I recently had a problem like this. I found it. I found out that outside ArcDesktop I had to also explicitly check out extensions.
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03:39 PM
How do the python script lines run in a python window in ArcDesktop or Pro? I wonder if you might need to implicitly call the python library with import arcpy to run in python outside of an ESRI environment. Did your python IDE throw any error messages?
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03:31 PM
I went into SSMS, added the windows login for Adrianne to the sysadmin role. And it looks like my network and database administrator is already in that role. I didn't find this role at the database level, I found it at the Server Level Security>Server Roles. Then for testing I made a Windows user account on a PC on the network for Adrianne, then logged in as Adrianne, opened ArcCatalog, made an OS connection to a couple databases as Adrianne, checked Administration> Add User and it wasn't grayed out, so I think it is working. I didn't have another user handy to try to add but this test seems to show this will work.
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10:26 AM
Yes, this is a known bug. It could turn up with other tools and Arcpy functions and also with /t. Capitalize these if you can. Thanks to Miguel at ESRI Support.
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03:00 PM
I was just working with Miguel at ESRI tech support who was amazed at this behavior on my server, and then was able to get the same kind of error using the Create Database User tool on his end with both Arc Catalog 10.5 and 10.6.1 when the user name started with n. Do you think there is a way to escape out of the \n combination in the domain user name when using ArcCatalog >Administration>Add User>Create Database User? I was able to use SSMS to add this ykfp\nrom*** login to my instance, geodatabases and roles, but I was hoping that tomorrow I could demonstrate a simple workflow on how to add users and privileges using ArcDesktop tools to a fairly new employee that I want to take over as administrator for me soon.
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03:29 PM
I had this happen when I was adding two new employees to my geodatabases with their OS logins from our Windows domain, using ArcCatalog 10.6.1 and the Administration> Add User workflow. The first guy went easy, the next guy didn't work. His domain login is ykfp/nrom***. The error message made us wonder if /n is getting read as a line feed and if I needed to escape this with quotes or something. There must have been other places where someone had a domain name that included /n however, so it seems unlikely that I am the first to encounter this. I also tried the other syntax for his domain name nrom***@KFO.local. Dropbox - AddingnromeroEd.png Yesterday, I successfully added ykfp\Nrom*** as a user to one geodatabase. But my domain manager had given me ykfp\nrom*** as the login. I haven't heard back from the domain manager when I asked him to check on the capitalization. Does capitalization matter in Windows OS authentication? I don't have a way to test this to see if it will work for the user. I can't make an account on a PC in the domain as this user to try the geodatabase connection as ykfp\Nrom*** because I don't know the user's password. Tomorrow, I plan to be in the user's office where I hope to work with him to install Desktop and add his geodatabase connections.
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12:50 PM
The database administrator in this office just told me that he would prefer that I not create any more DB accounts but to do this with existing OS user accounts, that we create a small group of OS user accounts to be the Database Administrators. At first, I was resistant to this because I was taught in my ESRI class that the standard practice was to create headless DB accounts to be Database administrator, geodatabase administrator, and data owner. Then I had in my ArcCatalog three different database connections, one for each level. But I think it might work OK to create a role for each to these three levels, then add to these roles any current headless DB account I've been using as well as the Windows OS user accounts that is going to take this over from me. We could add and remove Windows user accounts to these roles as people came and went. Then, I guess, the small group of users that would have these admin capabilities would just need one database connection in ArcCatalog to each of the five geodatabases, and would be able to do the sa, sde, and data owner stuff from that one connection. Would this approach work? I'm kind of worried that the data owner might look different depending on which OS user in the data owner role loaded the data. Would another user in the data owner role be able to manage privileges to data they didn't load? Might this be a case where it is simpler to use a headless DB user to load and own all the data? Like this scenario: I add myself and Adrianne to the data owner group with our perspective Windows OS domain logins. I add a bunch of data. I leave the organization, so the network admin removes my domain account. Now Bob joins the office. Will Adrianne, as part of the data owner role, be able to give Bob privileges to data I loaded?
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04:09 PM
I got an error trying to use the Create Database User tool in Desktop 10.6.1. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server] [SQL Server] Cannot use the special principal 'sa'. Is it not recommended to create a user "sa" to be the database owner with sysadmin priviledges? Or should I use SSMS to create this user "sa"?
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10:55 AM
I took a look at my settings with SSMS. I wanted to create a new DB account to take over as the database owner, but I found there already is a user dbo with the login name of my OS login. So it is potentially confusing to admins after me, because it looks like dbo is the expected practice. Maybe I'll name the new DB user account "DBOwner" to give System Administrator privileges. My class textbook from "Deploying and Maintaining a Multiuser Geodatabase" used "sa" as the account name for the database owner. Maybe I'll go with that.
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10:25 AM
I have five enterprise geodatabases in ArcServer 10.6.1 and SQL Server that I created with the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool from my domain login, so the Database Admin account is my OS account on my local domain. But when I retire in a couple months, how can I pass this Databasee Admin authority to my successor admin? Did I screw up? Because right now I can't figure out the best way to hand this off. Will I need to leave my account on the domain so the new admin will have to add my domain login to her PC and have to switch to my user account to use ArcCatalog to do the admin on these geodatabases, like add users, create roles, add users to roles? Or can the new admin use SSMS to manage database users? But I can't remember SSMS can use my admin credentials from a PC logged into the domain with someone else's credentials. But at least I have headless DB accounts for the data owner and the geodatabase administrator account.
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03:47 PM
Yesterday, the new whiz kid in my office was getting on of our researchers excited about Shiny R, looking at a USGS site like that had live demos of maps with time sliders and interactive dataset selection. It was pretty slick, but I had to point out that "we can do a lot of that time animation stuff now with ArcDesktop and Pro, no development needed. And as far as presentations on the web, you've already told me that you don't want to use AGOL or ArcServer/Portal because you don't want your data on any external system or exposed to the Internet, no matter how well password protected. But web apps in Shiny R get around this security problem better somehow?" But they kind of turned away from me and continued talking excitedly about all the cool web presentations they were going to do in Shiny R, as if I was invisible. Am I a irrelevant dinosaur?
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10:40 AM
When I try to open a script like this with the "Edit with IDLE (ArcGIS Pro)" choice in File Explorer, I get Python 3.6.5 and the script fails with syntax error, missing parenthesis in print statement. Is print totally different in Python 3.6.5?
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11:07 AM
I was just running this script at another office, and extending it to include other data besides feature classes, and it was running like a champ. Today I noticed it was running without reading my connection file, but just getting the connection from ArcCatalog. I think the difference is that I was finding the python file with File Explorer, right clicking on it, I get choices that include Edit with IDLE, Edit with IDLE (ArcGIS Pro), Run with ArcGIS Pro. If I select "Edit with IDLE", I think it gets opened in an ArcDesktop type environment, because it doesn't have any problem finding and importing arcpy, and the env.workspace can be set with the same string that ArcCatalog knows for my data owner connection. The slash in the Database Connections string can be either way / or \ . # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Testing how to modify enterprise geodatabase privileges with python
# Paul Huffman, 2017-12-14
# Set the necessary product code
#import arceditor
import os
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
#env.workspace = "Database Connections/Streams as GisOwner.sde"
env.workspace = "Database Connections/Other_Vector as GIS.sde"
#env.workspace = "Database Connections\\Streams as GisOwner.sde"#env.workspace = r"Database Connections\Streams as GisOwner.sde"
#get list of feature classes in geodatabase.
fclist = []
#fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses ("Database Connections/Streams as GisOwner.sde")
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses ()
dslist = arcpy.ListDatasets ()
tblist = arcpy.ListTables ()
rslist = arcpy.ListRasters ()
#The folling line worked by setting connection + feature class in a string for ChangePrivileges
#datasetName = "Database Connections/Streams as GisOwner.sde/Streams.GISOWNER.str37_route_rivers"
#datasetName = "Streams.GISOWNER.str37_route_rivers"
#arcpy.ChangePrivileges_management(datasetName, "GISUsers", "GRANT", "AS_IS")
for fc in fclist:
print fc
arcpy.ChangePrivileges_management(fc, "DataViewer", "GRANT", "AS_IS")
for ds in dslist:
print ds
arcpy.ChangePrivileges_management(ds, "DataViewer", "GRANT", "AS_IS")
for tb in tblist:
print tb
arcpy.ChangePrivileges_management(tb, "DataViewer", "GRANT", "AS_IS")
for rs in rslist:
print rs
arcpy.ChangePrivileges_management(rs, "DataViewer", "GRANT", "AS_IS")
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04:06 PM
I finally got the mesh created at the correct altitude, but I don't understand why this worked. ESRI tech support advised me "I took a closer look at the EXIF information associated with the images and believe I found the issue. The issue we are running into isn't the vertical coordinate system we are setting but the necessary altitude adjustment we need to set to the images. The absolute altitude of the images is roughly 38.24m, while the relative altitude is 83.90m. I subtracted the difference of the two altitudes(45.66m) and used that value to adjust the altitude of the flight. Using this method I was able to successfully generate the SLPK at the correct elevation." "I have been testing with the vertical references set to No Conversion instead of EGM 96, so changing the vertical reference to "No Conversion" and the the flight altitude to 45.66m should resolve the issue for you based on my output. "The absolute altitude for the images captured seems to be the GPS altitude in meters Above Sea Level according to the output of the EXIF tool, however most EXIF information and the way it is captured is particular to the Drone that is used during the flight. " So I ran my job at flight altitude 45.66m and got a 3D mesh that fits the terrain well. I don't understand how after the run the photo elevations have changed from the set 45.66. It appears that the photo elevations are now grouped into two planes, one at about 127 ft. and the other at about 131 ft.
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02:27 PM
I figured out that transformation on the fly does work in Drone2Map. I had just been trying to use the wrong input coordinate system for the GCPs. Drone2Map presents a lot of different kinds of NAD 1983 Washington State Plane South, and, unlike my ArcMap, none are saved to "favorites". NAD 83 Washington State Plane South 102349 sends the GCPs out of the project area. NAD 83 Washington State Plane South Feet 2927 places the GCPs correctly.
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11:25 AM
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