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UC Event Venue Indoors Application Feedback

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Occasional Contributor II

Having a Indoors App of the UC venue has been fantastic. Thank you so much for doing this and implenting my idea. It has really helped the UC experience and made navigation easier. Having practically used it for a couple of years at the UC (I am currently at the 2024 UC as I write this), there is one thing I have found that I wished it could do. As I go about planning all the sessions I want to attend (saving\favoriting), you are only able to see the location on the map of one session or location at a time. It would be very helpful to be able to see a daily view of sessions I have saved. This will help with trying to understand where sessions are in relation to one another and depending on the user\need, either maximize or minimize walking and be strategic on sessions that might be close to one another. This functional need could be accomplished a few ways starting with some of my thoughts ordered by descending complexity.

  • Enable this functionality in the map\app. Perhaps symbolize based on session time and\or order saved, and dually symbolize based on floor (1,2,3).
  • Expose\share the map used by the app on AGOL so that users can add their own layers or sketches to help plan.
  • Add a print widget to the app if none of the above is possible (brunt force paper map approach 😉)

I would love to plan a geographic conference better and more optimally geographically. Thanks for considering!

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