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Can Zip Code data from ArcLogistics be exported for use in ArcMap?

11-17-2010 07:40 AM
Deactivated User
I was looking for information regarding Zip Code polygons, and found a website that referred to ArcLogistics Zip Code info being able to be exported.  Unfortunately, I did not bookmark the webpage for reference.

Can the Zip Code data in ArcLogistics be exported as a shapefile for use in ArcMap?  The polys that I have are ancient, and were incorrect to begin with.  I would like to clean up my data, and I do have ArcLogistics in house.

Thank You
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9 Replies
Deactivated User
There isn't a way to do this exporting from ArcLogistics.  If you're using Desktop ArcLogistics 9.3 and have purchased data, there are zip code .sdc files you could import into ArcMap and then export as .shp files.  The zip files will not be licensed. 

Similarly, the Data & Maps disk you got with ArcGIS should have similar files you could import into ArcMap if you don't have the ArcLogistics specific data.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for the information, but I am having problems importing this data from ArcLogistics in to ArcMap.

I am using ArcMap 9.3.1, and ArcLogistics 9.3.

Do you have a brief explaination on how to import to ArcMap, and then export as a shapefile?

Thanks again
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Deactivated User
Sure, no problem.  I have Tele Atlas data here, and the zip code sdc file is named zip5. 

-Open ArcMap, use the 'Add Data' button add zip5.sdc from wherever it is on your hard drive.
-Use the Selection tool or open the attribute table and write a query to select features by attributes to choose the zip codes you're interested in.
-Right click the Zip5 layer and choose 'Data' > 'Export Data' in the popup menu. 
-The Export Data dialog will appear, .shp is chosen by default so just pick an export location and you should be all set.

Let us know if you have more questions.
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Deactivated User

Thanks a bunch, the new poly's are going to make my project that much easier!
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Emerging Contributor

I have been having a similar problem with exporting zip codes from esri_zip5.sdc to a shapefile. I am able to successfully export to a shapefile but none of the attributes export with the shapfile. The polygon is the only feature that exports and I need the other columns such as Name, ID, population, etc. to be in the shapefile. I am missing a simple step somewhere?


Matt Coleman
Business Intelligence Analyst.

Sure, no problem.  I have Tele Atlas data here, and the zip code sdc file is named zip5. 

-Open ArcMap, use the 'Add Data' button add zip5.sdc from wherever it is on your hard drive.
-Use the Selection tool or open the attribute table and write a query to select features by attributes to choose the zip codes you're interested in.
-Right click the Zip5 layer and choose 'Data' > 'Export Data' in the popup menu. 
-The Export Data dialog will appear, .shp is chosen by default so just pick an export location and you should be all set.

Let us know if you have more questions.
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Deactivated User
Hmm, not sure exactly why it wouldn't export all fields.  You mention 'esri_zip5.sdc' and population counts in the fields.  The data we're using is available with ArcLogistics or Esri Data & Maps has a 'zip5.sdc' file and only a few fields including Name, FIPS codes, and the Zip code.

Perhaps you have some other file that is in some way protected or licensed?
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Emerging Contributor
I am exporting the zip5.sdc file from ArcGIS Business Analyst 10. I am trying to get all data for the state of Georgia. I would prefer to have the data in a shapefile and that I would be able to export all of the data in a dbf file as well. The data I am talking about has the zip code ID, the zip code name, as well as population and income for 2010 and 2015.

Hmm, not sure exactly why it wouldn't export all fields.  You mention 'esri_zip5.sdc' and population counts in the fields.  The data we're using is available with ArcLogistics or Esri Data & Maps has a 'zip5.sdc' file and only a few fields including Name, FIPS codes, and the Zip code.

Perhaps you have some other file that is in some way protected or licensed?
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Deactivated User
I have a feeling the data may be licensed or protected against doing what you're trying to accomplish.  I found an unlicensed version of that file and I can export with attributes but not all of them are exported.  I spoke briefly with someone on the BA team and they mentioned you'll also have to set fields visibility to under 1024 fields and that you could also use BDS layers to accomplish a certain level of editing in BA.

You may want to try support or the BA forums here  I think they'll have a better answer for you than anyone monitoring the Logistics forums can give.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for your help. I will check out the business analyst forum.
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