Well, the points are finally adding to the table and showing up in the map but they are not in the correct places. I think ArcMap is reading the Lat/Long values I am putting in as coordinate values. I have tried putting it in Lat first and Long first, neither works. Is there a simple way to make sure they are read as Lat/Long or to convert them to coordinate values?
When I pull up the Identify window and look at the location field the values for Decimal Degree, which is where Lat/Long would be are -0.000835 0.000305
The values I put in were -93 and 34
Under kilometers the values were -0.093 0.034. I am not sure if that helps clarify anything but I am lost as to where to go now
So I noticed that one of my tables actually placed the point in the correct location, but the other one didnt. However they have the same code. The future table is the one that is not working and places the point using the values above. The All table places the point perfectly. The two codes look identical, am I missing something?
#Insert new row into Future table
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(Future, ["SHAPE@XY", StNameField, StNameSortField, StAbbrField, StatusField, StNumField, SqFtField, AddrField, CityField,
StateField, PostalField, PhoneField, LatField, LongField, OpenField]) as cursor:
cursor.insertRow(((float(Long), float(Lat)), StName, StNameSort, StAbbr, Status, StNum, SqFt, Addr, City, State, Postal, Phone, Lat, Long, Open))
del cursor
#Insert new row into All table
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(All, ["SHAPE@XY", StNameField, StNameSortField, StAbbrField, StatusField, StNumField, SqFtField, AddrField, CityField,
StateField, PostalField, PhoneField, LatField, LongField, OpenField]) as cursor:
cursor.insertRow(((float(Long), float(Lat)), StName, StNameSort, StAbbr, Status, StNum, SqFt, Addr, City, State, Postal, Phone, Lat, Long, Open))
del cursor