Has anybody managed to successfully configure the Network Trace tool in the WAB?
When I add my trace service I get the error "The output geometry type of the selected geoprocessing service is not compatible with the project settings..."
It says the project settings are optional, however I can't get past this as it seems to hang with a refresh action.
All feature classes are in WGS84 auxiliary.
Any ideas or help is appreciated.
Hi @ECarson , I think this could be a challenging one to troubleshoot here.
Please would you be able to contact Technical Support so they can help find the source of the issue and potentially provide a workaround/resolution? Thank you!
@ECarsonDid you get this figured out? I'm trying to use a Trace network in a web app but so far I can't get the feature service added to a web map without an error being shown in the table of contents.
You can try publishing a web map from Pro with your Trace network feature service in it, instead of adding the feature service into a web map.
Also please note that a Trace Network feature service is not supported in the Network Trace WAB widget, it only supports a geoprocessing service created from a Geometric Network.
Thanks for your reply Alix. I tried publishing the web map with the Trace network service in it but the process failed. It passes the Analyze step but then says error - see log. The log file does not record errors, it just stops at the line: StatusMessage: Staging map service.
I checked the Portal and Server log files as well and no errors were recorded there either.
Is your feature service already published? You would first need to publish a feature service (and its map service) from your SDE to your Enterprise Server/Portal, then add that service to a Map in Pro, and then publish that map to your Portal.
I am not familiar with all the possible issues you can encounter while publishing that service though. If you are still seeing issues I'd recommend logging a new question/post in Trace Network Questions - Esri Community so someone else can see it and help, or contacting Esri Technical Support.
I have the trace network published already, and I can bring it into Pro and use it successfully. My problem is that all attempts to bring it into a web map fail.
The Map Viewer in Portal shows an error indicator for the Trace Network layer when I add the service to it.
I tried your suggestion in another post of adding the published feature service to Pro and publishing the web map from there, but Publishing fails.
All of this might be a moot point anyway if the existing widgets don't work with a Trace Network. If I have to build my own web app to run traces, then I can hit the rest endpoint directly.
I was just hoping for something plug-and-play.
Hi Drew,
Can you detail the steps of what you've done so far? Do you have the Trace network published as a feature service? Can you use this feature service for the Trace Network in ArcGIS Pro?
Hi All,
I've been able to publish the Trace Network to Enterprise and use it within ArcGIS Pro using the Trace Tool.
My problem now occurs after publishing the Trace as a geoprocessing tool to Enterprise, it publishes successfully however the tool throws an error when initiated from the rest endpoint or when used in ArcGIS Pro.
This is another post that has more details to the issues I'm facing. Publish Trace as a web tool for use in WAB - Esri Community
I'm currently working ESRI support team on this.
There was one step that I wasn't aware of that may help provide by the support team.
@ECarsonThanks for the information. I didn't know about how ownership is controlled.
Like you I have a published Trace Network that works in Pro. In my case I'm trying to add the published service to a Web Map and use one of the existing ESRI widgets to allow traces to be run from a web app in the field.
After further research it looks like I'll have to build my own tool as the 2 existing widgets I'm aware of only support Utility Networks and not Trace Networks.