T3G2017 AGO Topic: Content/Sharing

04-21-2017 11:17 PM
Esri Alum

In T3G2017, as part of homework AFTER Day 1 (April22) and BEFORE Day2 (by Thu April27), we want participants to look at information on GeoNet and post a question, offer an answer, or give an observation about working in ArcGIS Online Organization accounts. The four themes from which to choose and contribute at least one entry are

  • Technical: start up, generating logins, setting roles and privileges
  • Content/sharing: Getting users generating and sharing content
  • Collaboration: Creating, using, and managing groups effectively
  • Management: Organization operations, especially maintenance at end of marking period, semester, or year.


35 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Thank you for that info about the group. That is exactly what I need! 

The group login approach makes me so nervous for exactly the reason you state, as well as just the old IT rule of never, ever sharing passwords!

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Emerging Contributor

It is my understanding that employing the group or class log-in is advised only in cases when the class is going to be completing 1 to 2 AGO projects total for a semester or year.  We employ this method occasionally within our organization.  Some good things about this method are that you get around issues with student excuses about not being able to log-in to complete assignments.  There is less time spent by the administrator resetting passwords and "deactivating" the class account is very easy at the end of the semester.  When classes use this method I instruct the students to automatically create a folder with their name and stress that all their work MUST be saved to their name or if working in a group their group folder.  

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Regular Contributor

One way to get this feeling is to use the crowdsource story map.  It allows folks to add images and some text and see the results live.  If you get a little creative you can have folks give valid data input, even though the tool is image driven.  For example, I had students take a photo and the text input needed to be a haiku.  For science, perhaps students photo a sample and respond to prescribed questions in the text area.  It's great for a teacher group to do a scavenger hunt of ideas too.  You have to think "outside the map" but get folks involved and thinking.

Survey123 gives good ways to collect data.

Occasional Contributor

That's a great idea, Barbara! This would work really well for some types of creating shared maps. Hmmm -- I have an idea I'm going to try with a group of teachers!

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Emerging Contributor


I love the idea of trying out a Scavenger Hunt type activity using the Survey123. I think I will give this a shot in my next teacher training. Have you successfully used this specifically with teacher training so far? 

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Regular Contributor


Indeed I have!  I used it with Survey123, the crowdsource story map and snap2map.  It's a great way to show how to get a "GPS" experience with just a phone.  It's a "think starter" for teachers to connect with possible ideas in their own setting.

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Occasional Contributor

In the past we've used Google Forms to gather data and then show the teachers how to add that spreadsheet into a map. They're familiar with Google and it's an easy step. And gives them a chance to check the data before it's uploaded. Now, I think we'll try Survey 123. I've found the teachers LOVE a chance to do fieldwork and gathering data. But it can be intimidating. I sometimes just sneak it in - surprise, get out your phone, grab a partner, and let's go outside for a few minutes. This year requests for field experience PD that can be duplicated on a campus is my #1 PD request!

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Occasional Contributor

There is a crowdsource template, but I haven't had much luck with it. It only seems to work with the default light grey basemap. If you change the basemap, it will work for a short while, then won't show the map anymore. I tried crowdsourcing Darwin's sightings in the Galapagos portion of the Voyage of the Beagle, but it died every time:




I did finally get just a plain map to hold some data:


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Frequent Contributor

Hi Alex

I did this with a group of students using the Collector App. We were in the field and I could see the points other people were adding within seconds of mine. We were doing an inventory of playground equipment type and condition. Each person had a smartphone and downloaded the collector app (and signed into the school AGOO).

Allison in Michigan

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Occasional Contributor

Have you tried the crowdsourcing story map? I have had a few students work with this.

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