If the on-screen keyboard on my iPad is used, the underlying map is corrupted and no longer shows layers.
I was able to re-produce in the Examples project by adding a textfield to the PopupElementHeader.swift file to get the keyboard to display.
EDIT: The map is still there, but is panned/zoomed to Antartica
struct PopupElementHeader: View {
let title: String
let description: String
@State var text = "Hello" // DUANE P: ADDED State var
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
TextField("Work Needed", text: $text)
.frame(maxWidth:.infinity, alignment: .leading).padding(5).background(Color(UIColor.systemBackground)).border(.gray).cornerRadius(7)
// Text views with empty text still take up some vertical space in
// a view, so conditionally check for an empty title and description.
if !title.isEmpty {
if !description.isEmpty {
.padding([.bottom], 4)
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Duane, thank you for reaching out and reporting this! From what you've described above, this resembles a known issue that we're working on addressing. In the meantime, I can suggest two different workarounds.
Hopefully one of these two workarounds will work for you in the meantime. I've attached a modified version of your code with my workarounds commented out for you to experiment with.
Hi Duane, thank you for reaching out and reporting this! From what you've described above, this resembles a known issue that we're working on addressing. In the meantime, I can suggest two different workarounds.
Hopefully one of these two workarounds will work for you in the meantime. I've attached a modified version of your code with my workarounds commented out for you to experiment with.
Work around 1 seems to have done the trick. Thanks!