I am experiencing a strange error when opening a just-downloaded .mmpk. It only happens on the first download of the day. All subsequent downloads and opens of the same .mmpk work just fine. Same thing when I use a different iPad to download to. Here are some code snippets:
// destination
toURL = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
// after download code
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: toURL.path) {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: toURL.path)
try data.write(to: toURL)
Solved! Go to Solution.
This issue has been resolved by removing any references to the existing map before downloading and opening a new .mmpk
public func DisposeMap()
mapLineTable = nil
mapLineLayer = nil
mapPointTable = nil
mapPointLayer = nil
geodatabase = nil
map = Map()
if mobileMapPackage == nil { return }
mobileMapPackage = nil
Hi @DuanePfeiffer ,
I'm not sure why you are getting SQLite 1014 error by just looking at the above code. However, there was another user who posted issue in the thread for the same error. Please check if same applied in your case. If not, I would appreciate if you can provide a reproducible Xcode project for us to debug. Please feel free to DM me.
Thanks. I saw that post but it doesn't apply to this issue. I think I found the solution though. I found some references to layers/tables in the currently loaded map that were not set to nil before loading the new map. I'll have to check tomorrow's download to see if I fixed it. I'll post back....
This issue has been resolved by removing any references to the existing map before downloading and opening a new .mmpk
public func DisposeMap()
mapLineTable = nil
mapLineLayer = nil
mapPointTable = nil
mapPointLayer = nil
geodatabase = nil
map = Map()
if mobileMapPackage == nil { return }
mobileMapPackage = nil