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non-simple boundary line adjustment

02-25-2012 03:06 AM
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New Contributor

I have worked through the web training courses "Introduction to Editing Parcels Using ArcGIS Desktop 10" and "Managing Parcel Data Using ArcGIS Desktop 10."  I have managed to import my coverage data into a parcel fabric using the "load a topology to a parcel fabric tool."

I am trying to do my first task, which is something that is really common in my county, but is not addressed in the training.  In this instance I have a fairly complex boundary line adjustment between two parcels owned by the same person.  I have COGO attributes for ONE of the parcels from a new survey.  The other parcel was digitized from old tax map data and has not had a modern survey.  I have figured out that I can unjoin the parcel with the modern survey and COGO in the new lines.  Now, how do I edit the other parcel--which lacks a modern survey-- in order to follow the new boundary line of the other parcel?  Is there a trace tool?  What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you.

Robert W. Fuller
Clarke County, Virginia
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Occasional Contributor II
Hi Robert,

Did you figure this out?  There is a trace tool coming in 10.1...but for now you can accomplish a seamless parcel boundary by using extreme care in the "join" process of the parcel with the good description.  The trick is that join links can be created in more than one direction.  When using "join points held fixed..." you would link all points to to a place on your fabric.  Where it gets messy is where you have points in your fabric that don't correspond with pts in your description.  In that case, you create a line point on your description by creating a join link from the fabric to your description.
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