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Land Management Paradigm, and Portugal Country Model Review

12-17-2014 06:23 AM
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The previous sections have been published in my posts: Land Administration – Part 1 and Part 2.

2.1.3. Land Management Paradigm

The cornerstone of modern land administration theory is, according to (Williamson, et al., 2010), the land management paradigm, in which, land tenure, value, use and development are considered holistically as essential and omnipresent functions performed by organised societies (Figure 9).

Figure 9 – The land management paradigm (Enemark, 2004) cit. by (Williamson, et al., 2010)

Land management activities reflect drivers of globalization and technology. These stimulate the establishment of multifunctional information systems, incorporating diverse land rights, land use regulations, and other useful data. A third driver, sustainable development, stimulates demands for comprehensive information about environmental, social, economic, and governance conditions in combination with other land related data (Williamson, et al., 2010).

In conclusion, modern land administration theory requires implementation of the land management paradigm to drive systems dealing with land rights, restrictions and responsibilities to support sustainable development. It also requires taking a holistic approach to management of land as the key asset of any jurisdiction (Williamson, et al., 2010). Moreover, in Figure 10 is presented (Zeeuw, et al., 2013) view of land administration in relation to sustainable development.

Figure 10 - Land administration in relation to sustainable development (Zeeuw, et al., 2013)

In Portugal, large steps towards land management paradigm implementation took place with the creation, in 2006, of the SiNErGIC project.

The SiNErGIC project vision was to create, under the coordination of Portuguese Geographic Institute (IGP), the Unique Parcel Information according with a shift of paradigm in Public Administration of looking for integrated, articulated and add-value solutions. On the other hand, and in accordance with the vision, it was defined a set of main goals to create the information system infrastructure to serve citizens, owners as well as State allowing them to access in one-stop spot to legal, fiscal and spatial parcel characterization (Julião, et al., 2010) (Roque, 2009).

Lately, SiNErGIC project is being reformulated in a new project designated the Cadastre Information National System (DGT, 2013).

2.1.4. Land Administration Domain Model Goals and Basic Features

The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) received ISO official approval as an official International Standard on 1st November 2012, as ISO 19152:2012 (ISO, 2012). LADM among other features, defines terminology for land administration, based on various national and international systems.

LADM will serve two goals, mainly (Uitermark, et al., 2010):

  1. Provide a basis for the development of Land Administration systems (LA systems);
  2. Enable involved parties, both within one country and between different countries, to communicate, based on the shared vocabulary (that is, an ontology).

On the other hand, LADM defines a reference model, covering basic information-related components of LA. Basic components relate to the following (Uitermark, et al., 2010):

  1. Parties (people and organizations).
  2. Rights, responsibilities, and restrictions (RRR’s).
  3. Spatial units (parcels, buildings and networks).
  4. Spatial sources (surveying).
  5. Spatial representations (geometry and topology).

Additionally, and according to (Seifert, 2012) is shown in Figure 11 an overview of LADM packages (with their respective classes).

Figure 11 - Overview of LADM packages (with their respective classes) (Seifert, 2012)

(Hespanha, et al., 2013) state that LADM provides a generic data model for land administration based on common grounds. It is possible to use it in so-called informal and customary environments (Figure 12). This provides a basis to apply the model to support equal land rights for all. To support in avoidance of land grabbing by mapping the existing situation fast and with unconventional approaches as point cadastres, satellite images, boundary drawing instead of measuring, with participatory approaches, accepting errors and with the intention to improve quality later. With its broad functionality LADM can support in the development of concepts for land administration systems, which can support administration of multiple types of tenure. This is also valid for the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM), presented later on in next post.

Figure 12 - Further alignment with LADM developments is needed (Hespanha, et al., 2013) Portugal Country Model

Portugal Country Model is derived from the LADM focused on the geometric (Cadastral Survey and Mapping) and legal (Land Registry) components of the Cadastre, at “Development methodology for an integrated legal cadastre” (Hespanha, 2012) PhD thesis. In Portugal, modelling of the Cadastral Domain has evolved significantly from the end of XX century to the first decade of the XXI century, where based on the latest Portuguese specifications, there’s a focus on just two of the three forms of property: (1) private ownership and (2) local community ownership, omitting thus public domain ownership. The end result is the absence of a strict view of a planar partition, once there will be gaps over the country territory. Furthermore, consideration of transitional areas that are currently of an informal legal status, as the Deferred Cadastre or the Urban Areas of Illegal Genesis (AUGI, in Portuguese), will form areas that could overlap private Real Property parcels (Lemmen, et al., 2010).

PS: This text is extracted from my Master's Thesis in GIS and Science (published at RUN: The implementation of an Enterprise Geographical Information System to support Cadastre and Exp... ) Dissertation's State of Art Chapter 2.


DGT, 2013. Sistema Nacional de Informação Cadastral. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 10 2013].

Enemark, S., 2004. Building Land Information Policies. Aguascalientes, Mexico, FIG.

Hespanha, J. P., 2012. Development Methodology for an Integrated Legal Cadastre - Deriving Portugal Country Model from the Land Administration Domain Model.[Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 07 2014].

Hespanha, J. P., Ghawana, T., Lemmen, C. & Zevenbergen, J., 2013. Can LADM contribute to a more fair large scale land acquisition?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 07 2014].

ISO, 2012. ISO 19152:2012. Geographic information - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 10 2013].

Julião, R. P., Roque, C. & Neto, J. P., 2010. SiNErGIC – A new approach to cadastre. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 07 2017].

Lemmen, C. et al., 2010. The Modelling of Spatial Units (Parcels) in the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 02 2014].

Roque, C., 2009. Cadastro Predial Multifuncional. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 02 2014].

Seifert, M., 2012. Legal, Law, Cadastre. In: W. D. D. M. Kresse, ed. Springer Handbook of Geographic Information. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 379-403.

Uitermark, H., Van Oosterom, P., Zevenbergen, J. & Lemmen, C., 2010. From LADM/STDM to a Spatially Enabled Society: a Vision for 2025. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 04 03 2014].

Williamson, I., Enemark, S., Wallace, J. & Rajabifard, A., 2010. Land administration for sustainable development. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 10 2013].

Zeeuw, K. d., Lemmen, C. & Barnasconi, G., 2013. Land Administration Products, Business Models and Commodities as Spin-off. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 03 2014].

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