Construct from parent: Linestring vs Breakline tool

08-09-2011 11:27 AM
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Occasional Contributor III

The current workflow I have for creating parcels is to first start by building a section.  Then I use the "construct from parent" option to create quarter-quarter sections.  I then build my parcels from the quarter-quarter sections as many of my parcels are not described by metes and bounds, but instead by the quarter quarter section(s).

For building quarter quarter sections from a parent section, I discovered that I can use the breakline tool, or the linestring tool.  I would like to know which option is better.

Breakline Option:

  • Select "construct from parent" from the original section

  • For the west line select "breakline"

  • calculate 1/4 of the line length

  • enter that length in 4 times, select "proportion with remaining distance" then press "ok"

  • repeat for the north, east, and south side

  • connect the vertices to create 16 quarter quarter sections

Linestring Option:

  • Select "construct from parent" from the original section

  • For the west line select "un-buildable"

  • use the segmented line tool to create 4 segments from the northwest corner to the southwest corner.

  • repeat for the north, east, and south side

  • connect the vertices to create 16 quarter quarter sections

NOTE This request assumes that I am working with a "perfect" 640 Acre section that does not include a government lot or a fractional quarter.

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Esri Contributor
Both workflows seem to have the same results so it would be basically up to you which one you want to choose.  I was a little thrown off with the word "linestring" because that is a separate tool.  I assume you are referring to the Segmented Line Tool correct?

Using the Segmented Line Tool will just create 4 proportionally equal segments on the line.  If you want a more precise break-point I would recommend using the Breakline tool.  Otherwise, the Segmented Line Tool works fine.
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