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Closest facility analysis

08-04-2016 08:35 AM
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New Contributor


I'm using the Network Analyst extension to get some route between multiple origins and destinations using the closest facility analysis. I have 2 questions relating to this:

1) is there any way you can add the attributes of the shape file that you load the facilities and incidents from.

2) the routes that are created appear as a single line. Is there anyway of getting an output which as the actual links that are used?

Also... is there a way of getting the actual routes through a network when using the OD Matrix feature in Network Analyst?


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MVP Alum

In regards to your last question of getting the actual routes through a network when using the OD Matrix feature, the ESRI help states that this is not possible (at least in version 10.2.1):


The closest facility and OD cost matrix solvers perform very similar analyses; the main difference, however, is in the output and the computation speed. OD cost matrix generates results more quickly but cannot return the true shapes of routes or their driving directions. It is designed to quickly solve large M x N problems and, as a result, does not internally contain the information required to generate route shapes and driving directions. Alternatively, the closest facility solver returns routes and directions but performs the analysis more slowly than the OD cost matrix solver. If you need driving directions or true shapes of routes, use the closest facility solver; otherwise, use the OD cost matrix solver to reduce the computation time.

Source:  OD Cost Matrix Analysis - ArcGIS Help (10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2)

Chris Donohue, GISP

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