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Problem with developing a writable OLE DB Provider for ArcEditor

10-09-2010 04:48 AM
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New Contributor
Dear GIS experts

I'm dealing with a project,an OLE DB provider which is compliant with
OGC OLE/COM specifications.My data source is SQL Server 2008 and I can
add a spatial enabled table to ArcMap layers successfully using "Add data"
menu in TOC.
I decided to make this provider writable,so according to ESRI documents,
I implemented IRowsetChange and IConnectionPointContainer for IRowsetNotify
interfaces for rowset object and ITransactionLocal for session object too.
But Still I receive an error when I use "Start Editing" menu.The error sentence is something like this:

"Could not edit the data in the folder or database you selected,the user does not have permission to execute the operation"

But I log into sql server using "sa" user and this user has enough permission,even this message is showed before any update and only with clicking on "Start Editing"
menu form Edior Toolbar,so it must not be concerned to database permission.For sure,I have DBColumnFlag_Write on all my columns except OID,and I put all necessary
properties for rowset object including OWNUPDATEDELETE,...but still no any progress!!!

Now,may I ask you experts to help me to find:
If I want to edit(Insert,delete and update) features of my table using "Start/Stop Editing" menu and select features using "ArcMap select tool" and also "Select By Attribute/Location" menus in ArcMap,

1.What more Interfaces I must implement?
2.What special fields or tables I must have in my database?
3.How can I use Editor Toolbar to create,modify or delete features in my table?
4.Is there any ESRI document for this matter?"A writable spatial enabled OLE DB Provider which ArcGIS/ArcEditor can use"

I don't use ArcSDE as middleware and I log into database as "sa" user.
I use ArcEditor/ArcMap 9.2/SP 4
my developing tools is VS2005/VC++
I used "SampleProvider" sample code published by ESRI to find what's the structure of OGC schema rowses.

Any help,guide line or sample code is highly appreciated.

Best Regards
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