While in arcmap joining a table to a polygon layer I'm prompted to index the joining table. If I do index the table then the join fails but if I decline the join will work. I'm joining based on OID of the polygon layer. Anybody have any ideas what might cause this? I ask because once indexed the table will not join with this layer ever again.
What version of ArcMap are you using? Have you tried creating a different instance of this feature class in order to see if the join will work then (a copy)? How is your data stored (shapefile, geodatabase, etc.)?
Also, I wonder if it has something to do with indexing the OID. Maybe you can make a new field and copy the OID values over and try joining with that new field instead.
And, if I may add, using the OID of the feature as a join item is a bad idea.
It could change if you edit the feature.
If this is a once off, as Adrian has said, add a new item to your feature and calculate the OID across to it.
And, I hope that in the join table the join item is not called OID or OBJECT_ID or anything like that.
The polygon fc is in a SQL enterprise geodatabase. I would rather not alter the fc layer with an additional field just for this small project. Also, after joining I'm not editing the fc. I use the join just to cross check data after running a series of geoprocessing tools. There are other methods to check it but I was just curious on what I'm doing wrong. I've never had this happen before.
Now, I'm working with different data but same conditions... a SQL feature class trying to join to a shapefile. Copied the OID to a new field but named differently. And again have the same problem, once the fields are indexed zero records match. Before indexing every single one match.
And your new field is a LONG INT, and the join item the same?
Could you give us a picture of the data or perhaps post a sample here.
Sounds very strange. Must be a reason.
Yea, new field is a LONG INT... I'm not sure how to upload sample data.