Mapping Clusters - Average Nearest Neighbor - Ripley's

03-17-2012 11:17 AM
New Contributor
I have mapped occurrence data for various plant species in the northeast US and adj Canada.  I am interested in clustering among all the species.  ANN and Ripley's K indicate clustering.  How do I geovisualize the clusters based on location only as I do not have a value field?  There is no rendering tool or output feature class option for these tools.  Yet in GIS Analysis Vol 2 p 149, 151 examples show mapped cluster areas (businesses, burglaries) based on location alone.  Am I missing something?  Thanks.
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1 Reply
New Contributor
If its just visualising you could try a Kernal Density Analysis using your observed nearest neighbor distance.

Here is a handy little article that might help.
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