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Distance of a polyline in a polygon issue

05-31-2012 09:20 AM
Emerging Contributor
I'm currently trying to find the distance of mulitple polylines(rivers) in multiple polygons(counties)

Tried this and failed.  *ArcToolbox - Analysis Tools - Extract - Clip.  That process returned a unclipped shapefile.
Tried this and failed.  *HawthsTools Sum Line Lengths in Polygons.  I get the following error: LinesInPolys:K -2147216814 The geometry property of the spatial filter is invalid.

Note.  I have Arcmap v. 9.3
My coordinate system is = NAD_1983 as is my polyline and polygon layer.
I have also run the check geometry tool and everything checks out.

Anyone have an idea of what I could be missing? Or know of any work arounds?
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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Nad 83 is the datum, it is not projected you must project if you want anything meaningful from this.  Project your data.
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Emerging Contributor
Thank you!
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Emerging Contributor
Anytime!  Good luck.
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