Building Attribute table

06-18-2012 12:58 PM
New Contributor III
Hello all, please dont kill me for this question, I am planning on keeping an eye on property prices in the place where I live, and I want to use GIS to help me find out whats happening in my area. I want to go about this very simply. I was thinking of making an excel sheet with the following Columes.
FID,   Shape,          Size,                       Cost,                Condition,                   x,                    y.
1        Point         70Meters                    200,000                     7                     39.3454           -111.129    (Condition is how much work I would have to do to it)

Each week I will update the excel sheet by going onto the local property website and fill in the information manually. Then I can take this excel sheet make it into a shapefile and work out where is best place for me to buy.
My question is does anyone have any experince with working with property prices and GIS, Do I need to add other columes to my excel sheet. Is it better to do this in MS Access or something else.
If anyone has an excel sheet already that could fit my purpose?
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
Why not start with a shapefile instead of an Excel sheet?

Include the factors important to you in deciding which property to buy. For me, the important factors were location (proximity to work), price, proximity of elementary schools etc.
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