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how to access large data with arcmap

04-04-2020 10:35 AM
New Contributor

I am a grad student and am trying to figure out how to access some large data, i..e 24GB, so I can run some geospatial analytics on it.  I don't think my computer can handle it and would like to utilize the power of a gpu to run arcmap on it.  How do I go about this?  I currently have the student desktop version of arcgis.  Do I need to do this in a different version like ARCGIS Pro, or online, or enterprise?  I at one point saw an online place where I could upload and register data with ARCGIS so I could access it.  I don't know where this is anymore and can't find it.  Would that be similar to utilizing a gpu?  What is the best approach to do this?  Thanks!

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