This presentation describes the roadmap of implementing the new geopackage specification from ogc. for more information, visit:
A little disappointing. Not equivalent to a file geodatabase at 10.3 that I was expecting. Cannot store metadata, not able to be used as a substitute for a fgb in tools. Cannot join tables. But I have just looked at the video and realise that I need to change my sqlite to a geopackage specification, the old spatialite format is not complete.
I have also found that the spatialite3 built into python 2.7 is obsolete and needs a serious upgrade to correct some performance bugs. I wonder what 10.3 will do about this given that it is not moving to a new version of python, or is it?
I looked closely at the CLI function to upgrade a spatialite database to a geopackage demonstrated in the vimeo webinar run by Directions Magazine in March. Learn about GeoPackage: A New OGC Standard for Mobile App Development on Vimeo That was hard. After I disassembled the dll I was able to assemble the command that was cut-and-pasted. Here is a copy of the video steps
Start up a CLI: (I started from cygwin but you can use a DOS cmd tool as well)
sqlite3 my.sqlite
> SELECT load_extension(...);
> SELECT CreateGpkgTables();
> .quit
SELECT load_extension('C:\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\DatabaseSupport\SQLite\Windows32\stgeometry_sqlite.dll','SDE_SQL_funcs_init');
SELECT CreateGpkgTables();
Now that I have upgraded the database to a geopackage format but SQLite2009Pro does not like it. That is disappointing, even if there are no spatial layers in it. So I have to use a plain sqlite database for plain tables.