Seems unlike the older Email ESRI list no one responds to Geonet questions.
I need to update ASCII files with new data for spatial distributions mapping of critters.
I have created the new polygons, in this example distance from caves as a buffered set of polys. Using 100 m intervals from 0 to 5K m. The new shp file looks fine with the concentric buffers at 100 m intervals.
I can not seem to follow up to create teh ASCII layers that match existing ASCII cell size, col & rows.
When I try the varied tools to create teh raster first from the shp file it only creates a single value of 5k distance and not the 100-meter increments needed.
I have tried virtually every tool I have in ArcMap 10.4 or ArcPro to no avail. There used to be a way to do this using an existing "Mask" or bounding poly for the area of interest and all would be the same number of rows and columns with the same coordinate reference.
Any guidance on why I am missing the goal welcomed.
You have a polygon feature class that you want to convert to a raster, correct?
- what coordinate system are you using, projected in meters I guess?
- what is the default cell size that appears in the PolygonToRaster tool?
- what cell size should the output raster have?
Hi Steve,
Whoohoo Tnx for taking to to reply.
This is all in ArcMap 10.4 as I am still navigating and trying to find
previously obvious tools which now like MS are "hidden"under layers of
DF and layers are UTM zone 16N using NAD1983.
Yes all layers are in meters.
Default cell = 410
Existing old ASCII file parameters that I need to match are:
ncols 213
nrows 306
xllcorner 254158
yllcorner 1748000
cellsize 1000
NODATA_value -9999
Thanks again for offing to assist.
Seems eons ago with ArcMap 9.X-10.1 this was not an issue
and if you set the cell size=1000 in the PolygonToRaster tool, what is wrong with the output?
It creates a raster with only a single value 5000!
Which is the max of all of the buffered polys that range from 100-5000
I am assuming cell size = meters so 1000 would be 1K meters? Rethinking
this ... it may be an issue as I need to evaluate distance from caves
at a finer scale. I will need to do the same thing with distance from
water bodies/rivers.
Perhaps best to change the cell size to 500 and then only buffer eh
distances from each feature by 500 m intervals.
I would also need to extract the 12 climate variables with a new cell
size so all match to run the subsequent modeling.
Seems when I tried that no mater what "Mask" I used the varied layers
did not have the same row/column values.