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Esri UC2022: Community Science & Crowdsourcing Sessions

07-04-2022 11:02 AM
Esri Contributor
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Community/Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Esri UC2022 sessions:

Community and Youth Engagement

Tuesday 12 July 2022, 8:30 – 9:30, SDCC – Room 29 D

In this session, the audience will hear from two users who used ArcGIS to support community and youth engagement initiatives centered around equity. "A Community-Based Participatory Process for a Black Healing Retreat Center" will use ArcGIS StoryMaps to share their community engagement process to create a Black-led nature-based healing retreat center for multi-generational BIPOC people. "Steps to Equity" will share how their organization used Survey123 to create a walkability assessment of a Cleveland neighborhood in collaboration with John Carroll University students and neighbored residents.

Abimbola Asojo, College of Design, Interior Design

Mac Love, Co-Founder & Chief Catalyst, Art x Love, LLC

Jennifer Ta, University of Minnesota


Engaging Communities to Restore Nature User Presentation

Tuesday 12 July 2022, 1:00 - 2:00, SDCC - Room 25 A

Community support can help take restoration efforts to scale by mobilizing community members to monitor and report on conservation topics. Effectively engaging the public in conservation programs however requires appropriate management and communications with volunteer contributors. This session will focus on two community conservation programs and their methods for successfully engaging volunteers and the community at large.

Sheridan Finder, University of Georgia

Shawnlei Breeding, Audubon Center for Birds of Prey

Ariana Kim, National Audubon Society


ArcGIS Hub: Managing and Collaborating with Your Community Members

Wednesday 13 July 2022, 8:30 – 9:30, SDCC Room 30B

ArcGIS Hub helps organizations collaborate and engage with their communities. In this session, you will learn how to manage the content and apps community members can access, as well as how to control and leverage the ways in which community members can participate in projects and initiatives. The use of ArcGIS Hub sharing controls, teams, sign-up configurations, community identities, and the latest engagement tools will be highlighted.

Jay Dev and Harshi Dondapati, Esri


Community Engagement SIG

Wednesday 13 July 2022, 11:30 – 12:30, SDCC Room 05 A

ArcGIS is increasingly being used to foster community engagement. This work helps improve transparency and data sharing/visualization for organizations of different sizes as they engage their communities. Yet, community engagement is about more than data. This SIG will share community engagement best practices in three ways: Esri staff will highlight core engagement principles, an expert panel will discuss their experiences and lessons learned, and attendees will share their thoughts as well. This SIG will leave you with a better understanding of what it takes to engage your community.

Brenda Wolfe, Nick O’Day, Caitlin Smith, Esri


ArcGIS Solutions: Citizen Problem Reporter Expo Demo Theater 05

Wednesday 13 July 2022, 2:30 – 3:15, SDCC Expo Demo Theater 05

This session will help you get started with the Citizen Problem Reporter solution and learn how you can use the solution to solicit reports from the public, manage the response to each report, solicit feedback from the public after addressing a report, and monitor the resolution of nonemergency reports in a community.

Daniel Wickens and Chris Fox, Esri


Public Data Collection, Security and Privacy Special Interest Group Meeting

Thursday 14 July 2022, 11:30 – 12:30, SDCC Room 03

GIS is increasingly used to collect data from the public through surveys and crowd-sourcing initiatives. After a storm, agencies use GIS to help the community self-report property damage. Citizen science GIS projects allow volunteers to report wildlife sightings. Local governments give citizens GIS tools to report issues and respond to surveys for socio-economic and health studies. Securing data collected from the public and protecting the privacy of respondents is a critical consideration for GIS practitioners.  Join this Special Interest Group to learn from the GIS community about security and private challenges, and how they are being addressed.

Jacqui Newell, Ismael Chivite, Michael Young, Brenda Wolfe: Esri


Enabling Transparency and Citizen Science for Water Quality Monitoring User Presentation

Thursday 14 July 2022, 1:00 — 2:00 pm, SDCC - Room 28 A

Learn how agencies are using environmental modeling and community-based participation to improve collaboration and public understanding and transparency in water quality monitoring for protection and restoration efforts.

Kevin Lund, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy

Kevin Brown, The Mannik Smith Group

Estella Smith, USDA Forest Service

Mona Dominguez, Alabama Water Watch/Auburn University Water Resources Center

About the Author
Charmel Menzel is a Senior Solution Engineer on the Esri National Government team.