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Esri and the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

12-04-2017 08:52 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
1 0 901

We are pleased to share the lineup of oral talks and posters that will be presented this December at the 2017 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco. Many know of AGU as among the world’s most well-respected Earth science scholarly organizations, and its annual fall meeting dwarfs our UC by over 10,000 attendees. AGU 2017 expects 24,000 attendees, making it the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world.


You’ll see in the list below of papers, posters and sessions that Esri is leading or contributing on a wide variety of interesting and important projects, many with our federal partners at NASA, NOAA, and the USGS, as well as several universities. This showcases how we are an organization that not only enables great understanding of the world with our products and services, but also performs good science, and contributes well as a member of the scientific community, sharing and inspiring others as to The Science of Where. In addition, we will have a 20' x 20' exhibit booth presence, #1125 ( beside the AGU and NOAA booths, shared with the QPS booth, led by Research & Sciences Industry Manager Drew Stephens and staffed full-time by ArcGIS Content Lead Sean Breyer, and Spatial Statistics Product Engineer Kevin Butler) with messaging and demos on multidimensional scientific data and analysis, imagery, big data geoanalytics, The Living Atlas, ArcGIS Pro, Ecological Land Units, Ecological Marine Units, GeoPlanner, Insights, story maps, the web GIS pattern, our commitment to open/interoperable, and more.


All in all, we are sending ~15 Esri staff  to participate at AGU, and are so pleased again to be sharing our exhibit booth space with representatives of our long-standing business partner, QPS. 


AGU PRESENTATIONS and SESSIONS with Esri Participation

(where G = Geodesy, H = Hydrology, IN = Earth and Space Science Informatics, P = Planetary Sciences)


G11C-0714:  International Digital Elevation Model Service (IDEMS): A Revived IAG Service


H13O-06:  The CAnadian Surface Prediction ARchive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modelling in C...


IN23B co-convened by Esri's Sudhir Shrestha: Architecture and Test Bed for Earth/Space Science Cyberinfrastructures I Posters

IN23E co-convened by Esri's Sudhir Shrestha: Architecture and Test Bed for Earth/Space Science Cyberinfrastructures  II

IN24A-03:  Automating Geospatial Visualizations with Smart Default Renderers for Data Exploration Web Applicati...


IN31B-0077:  Predicting Seagrass Occurrence in a Changing Climate Using Random Forests

IN33E convened by Esri's Sudhir Shrestha: Spatial Data Infrastructure for Earth and Space Sciences: Analyzing, Visualizing, and Sharing Spatio...


IN33E-08:  Near Real-time Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization with the ArcGIS Platform

IN41B convened by Esri's Sudhir Shrestha: Spatial Data Infrastructure for Earth and Space Sciences: Analyzing, Visualizing, and Sharing Spatio...


IN51H-03:  Recommended GIS Analysis Methods for Global Gridded Population Data


P33E-2913:  Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs): Improving the Scientific Environmental Data Management and Visu...


View and search the entire AGU Fall Meeting Program at

About the Author
Dawn was appointed Chief Scientist of Esri in October 2011 after 17 years as a professor of geography and oceanography at Oregon State University. As Esri Chief Scientist, she reports directly to Esri CEO Jack Dangermond with a mission to strengthen the scientific foundation for Esri software and services, while representing Esri to the national and international scientific community. Dawn maintains an affiliated faculty appointment as Professor of Geography and Oceanography at Oregon State. Follow her on Twitter @deepseadawn. More info. also at and