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Expectations for External Software Integrations

08-02-2021 10:15 AM
Occasional Contributor

We're going through the procurement process for an external system, and a key component is the requirements for integration with roads and highways.

The question is where to balance the mandatory requirements. My experience has been that lots of software will say they can integrate, but don't fully utilize or fit with roads and highways particular linear referencing capabilities. 

From my perspective, having stringent roads and highways integration requirements would save a lot of headaches, but would limit our options. Whereas having fewer might require work arounds that limit the value of roads and highways but are strong at their intended purpose.

What are people's experiences with integrating roads and highways with asset, pavement and maintenance management systems?

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6 Replies
Regular Contributor

Good question Colin.  NC has a couple of external integrations and there's different ways to integrate depending on requirements.  Specifically we integrate with Agile Assets and MS2.  Feel free to reach out if you want to chat more offline.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks very much Erin, I will do that. 

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Occasional Contributor

We (Oklahoma) integrate in 2 different ways. A couple of the systems use the 'Export Network' tool to full a copy of the data and then others just do direct pulls from the individual data tables, through a read only version, and run a DynSeg on their side.

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Occasional Contributor

Have you migrated to Pro? We have a current integration using Export Network and I'm not sure it's a long term solution. 

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Occasional Contributor

We have not yet. Our current plan is to convert our TEST environment to support Pro and do testing in that this winter. Then if all that goes well, switch production to Pro next spring. The support people for the integration that use Export Network are still unsure how it will look in Pro because we haven't been able to see or test that tool yet. My guess is it will all still work the same, but they will have to change the references to a couple of tables and column names to get all the same 'back end' information back out.

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Occasional Contributor

We integrated with an asset management software called VueWorks. Our take on integration was more or less use the ESRI tools and systems and then reference the data in everything else. We keep everything in REST and will only share downloaded files if necessary. We tried to stay in the box as much as possible since we knew we couldn't keep up development with the changes of the system. We are changing our business to fit the R&H model not the other way around but that is easier for us since we are smaller and are providing this a service that our clients are mandated to use. 

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